Poll Results: Vote for the Male Winner of the The Super Collosal YPSH Awesome Avatar Contest
Members who voted for 'balexs99'
- jk-44
- kricky31
- AL2009man
- Urteil
- Firefly
- BlackSide
- Diamond_Dust
- SoulBladeNG
- maxbrat
- Pixietails
- Kimilicious
- zoidreaper
- ReccaWolf
- thunderking2008
- leXiVands
- ZombieLover23
- Kid_Fleetfoot
- theWook
- MetalXi
- balexs99
- theLoCoMan
- lolitapop
- Sheila_lynna
- DaNNybOy
- Victory_Sullivan
- elizakatx3
- johanathan.D.
- xX_CantThinkOfAProperNameLol_Xx
28 total votes.