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Guide The Unofficial Peakvox Labs Thread [jp]

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by faga4567, Sep 22, 2011.

  1. ReccaWolf

    ReccaWolf Well-Known Member

    Jan 16, 2011
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    Okay, I found some tips that would help greatly after a few frustrating attempts in the Escape Virus: Shooter Mode arcade, and this should help you get all the rewards in perhaps one go if you're careful:

    When the game begins, hold down the R2 button (zoom out) to see where the power-ups are. You don't need to use the right analog to shoot, since it's automatic, and the other buttons are jump buttons.

    Shoot as normal, and when you see your first power-up pill, don't grab it too quickly. Stay near it and blast many viruses while counting to 20-22 seconds in your head. You don't need to count very slowly, just keep in mind the pill disappears after a few seconds (you will see it jerking around instead of spinning around like normal before disappearing). After counting, grab the pill and kill as many viruses as you can, but be careful because you can still get hit by a virus by accident at full speed with the power-up.

    During this time, you should see your second power-up pill. Swing by there once you see the countdown, but don't grab it. Just stay there and do another 20-22 second count and shooting after the final countdown goes beep. Now, grab that pill after your count and shoot around until the green antidote pops up. Again, stay there and do another 20-22 second count and shooting near it. By this time, the field will be filled with lots of viruses, but keep your controls steady and your area of shooting clear of viruses before grabbing it.

    Finally, after grabbing it and scoring around, rush to any of the four corners of the field and stay there before the countdown expires. Now, here's the fun part! All you have to do now is shoot any viruses that are coming toward you and defend yourself while you hog the corner. It's best to have your back near the corner to prevent any viruses popping up behind you. By now, the field is constantly littered with viruses and the power-ups will sometimes be hard to reach, and it's too dangerous to try. Just keep your eyes peeled on any red viruses that'll come for you, since they're the most persistent.

    Use small movements and tapping with your left analog stick defending yourself and you should get your rewards quickly this way.

    The rewards I've unlocked now are, starting from the first:

    Green virus rug, Green virus in a tube, Blue DNA slippers, Blue DNA cushion, Blue DNA masks. The masks unlocked after I scored 1 million while defending myself.

    Hope these tips help.
  2. sam_reynolds01

    sam_reynolds01 Well-Known Member

    Apr 14, 2011
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    :shocking: me get 1 million point, not much chance of that happening. I am awful at shooter.
    I give you corner tip a try though, might get lucky with some of the other rewards.
  3. DanMW

    DanMW Active Member

    Jan 16, 2011
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    I think the rewards for Virus Shooter are 100,000 green virus mat, 10x multiplier green virus mini tank, 3 minutes blue slippers, 1,000,000 blue dna cushion and 20x multiplier blue mask, that's what I got so far I had 26x multiplier and near 2 million when I finished so I don't know if there are any other rewards

    Edit: The best tip that I can give you that worked out great for me is follow Recca's advice

    The best way to know where the power ups are is to look at the dna that you control when a power up appears a heart will replace your dna's eye and it will indicate the direction of where the power up is located.
  4. ReccaWolf

    ReccaWolf Well-Known Member

    Jan 16, 2011
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    Yeah, we still need requirements on much of the games at Peakvox Labs, including the demos and the arcade games and in the space itself. I'm still thinking that Hammer Virus has one more reward I haven't accomplished yet (it is the one Wiki Japan Home says it's "Extra Big Tank for Biology Life" or something along those lines. It's the last one after the shirt rewards.), but I still need all the requirements from that one, plus it would help others.

    And getting your DNA to a corner and defending itself is not too hard at all. You just need to move slightly your DNA's aiming and your back against the corner. You'll be making room for yourself and still add more points and multiplier score eventually as time elapses.

    It's also best that after you grabbed your antidote power-up and the countdown starts, go to a corner you feel comfortable with (or whatever corner that's close by) and get rid of any viruses around that corner before time expires, making you have a bit of room and then defend yourself near the corner.
  5. HOPPER_34

    HOPPER_34 Senior Birdhound

    Oct 24, 2010
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    Wow! Here I thought I was doing well at about 250K lol I hereby pronounce Dan and the Recca the shared Kings of peakvox. :king: (and if you don't like to wear a crown then you could always just go with a DNA mask).

    Thanks for the tips--I will have to try this out although I still can't even get 25 of those last 2 in Abduct Earth so I'm afraid that I may not have what it takes for these games. I'm not one to give up though so onward ho!
  6. ReccaWolf

    ReccaWolf Well-Known Member

    Jan 16, 2011
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    A-HA! I KNEW I missed one more reward from Hammer Virus! I gave it a try and used up 200 yen, but I've finally got it on the first try of my second 100 yen of tickets. As a result, this is my final reward for the new games from Peakvox Labs so far. Just waiting for the race game now, which will be soon....

    You need to reach a score between 90,000-95,000 in Hammer Virus by getting 3 FEVER rounds - which means you REALLY need to hit the viruses or nab the DNAs in the middle yellow line precisely, otherwise any miss, capturing it before or after the line, or the wrong button of capture will result in losing a letter. I was able to get the 3rd FEVER round somewhere at 7th and 8th level, so I was very lucky to have hit it and kept playing until the blue notification finally came up.

    I went back to my personal Harbor Studio, took the thing out, and took a picture. Wiki Japan Home didn't make fun of the name of "extra large tank for biology" for nothing! I'TS FRIGGING HUGE!

    The Unofficial Peakvox Labs Thread [jp], ReccaWolf, Nov 20, 2011, 10:32 PM,, jpg, XLTank.jpg
  7. sam_reynolds01

    sam_reynolds01 Well-Known Member

    Apr 14, 2011
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    Wow, congrats recca. XD

    I do like peakvox, but all these high scores are driving me crazy.
  8. DanMW

    DanMW Active Member

    Jan 16, 2011
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    That is huuuge, maybe we can put the whale shark in it :w00t:
  9. ReccaWolf

    ReccaWolf Well-Known Member

    Jan 16, 2011
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    That's what I was thinking at the time! :laugh:
  10. martinsonj

    martinsonj Active Member

    Oct 21, 2011
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    Great advice all around and I'm quite jealous of your 'extra large tank for biology' lol.
  11. ReccaWolf

    ReccaWolf Well-Known Member

    Jan 16, 2011
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    New arcade - "Escape Virus: Horde Mode" rewards and tips:

    This arcade style is a bit simpler than the Shooter arcade one. The object of the game, like the other Peakvox Labs game from the space, is to touch any missile bomb and aim them at the viruses while staying alive. You can touch as many as you want, but it's best to stick with the biggest multiplier and aim at the right directions at the viruses getting you - which also means, stay VERY close to it! Aiming is controlled by the way your DNA is moving, so if you moved up and touch the bomb, the bomb will go up and home in on any viruses in its path. The bomb will make one explosion and then stays there until it's picked up again, but increases its multiplier by one. If it's not picked up again after a time limit, it'll disappear, and you'll have to start over at 1X again. To add insult to injury, you cannot jump in this entire game.

    Tips on winning and getting your rewards:

    The best thing, as I stated previously, is to stick with your biggest multiplier bomb and follow it closely. Having two bombs is also good, but later on when you get many viruses in the field, you'll need to stay with your multiplier bomb until you can reach another bomb or the special vaccine power-up. The explosions will cause larger clear areas, so it's the best method to keep moving and let the bomb guide you through the horde of viruses trying to kill you. Just remember that you're the one controlling it by way of what direction you're moving, so be careful where you are.

    The vaccines now pop up faster with each multiplier kill you make with your bombs, so racking up these vaccines will help you get ahead of the game. Pick one up and eat the viruses, but be sure to touch your multiplier bomb a few times during your run through to keep it live, and grab another vaccine again before time runs out, and repeat the pattern.

    Keep going at it until you have received 5 rewards from the game, which are from first to last:

    Purple virus rug, Purple virus in test tube, Red DNA cushion, Red DNA slippers (M/F), Red DNA masks (M/F)

    Good luck! ^^
  12. MsLiZaChan

    MsLiZaChan Active Member

    Jan 7, 2011
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    Thanks to Recca's advice and Dan's cabinets, I earned a bunch of rewards today.

    I went as far as the 3-minute prize in the shooting game. A million points seems to be out of reach given my limited amounts of skill and patience. I also earned 5-6 of the rewards in the Alien Abduction game. As Recca mentioned earlier, the little yellow spaceship in the bottom right corner seems to be the toughest. I'm not certain what other ones I need, only 1 or 2 more I think. I think that I won the rug and test tube in the other Escape Virus game.

    In total, I think my rewards were 4 tanks with creatures, 3 floor mat items (1 alien, 1 green and 1 red virus), white DNA cushion, a big portal, the tiny red car, blue slippers...that might be it. There are probably some mix-ups in there but a pretty nice reward haul for one afternoon.

    Thanks again for the help.
  13. ReccaWolf

    ReccaWolf Well-Known Member

    Jan 16, 2011
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    Usually the adult male humans and the yellow small ships are the toughest and you need to play the game over and over again until you get 25 of them from 5 waves. Try using elimination by going for different objects and capturing them 25 times to see what reward had popped up and what did not.

    For example: Set a goal on reaching 25 little kids in a game, and see what reward pops up. Once it's been cleared and if you have/haven't gotten the reward, switch to another capture goal.
  14. MsLiZaChan

    MsLiZaChan Active Member

    Jan 7, 2011
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    I rechecked my rewards to sort out the confusion in my last post. I've since won 1 or 2 in the Horde game and won 2 more from the Normal Escape game (chain of 50 DNA and 1 million points).

    Some of the rewards are from the lab but most are from Dan's cabinets.

    5 tanks with the red and blue DNA from lab, and viruses from the cabinets
    4 floor mats (red, green and purple viruses; blue alien)
    white DNA cushion
    tiny red car ornament (almost too small to even bother displaying)
    2 portals (blue from lab and purple from cabinet)
    blue DNA slippers
    white DNA mask
    black T-shirt
  15. HOPPER_34

    HOPPER_34 Senior Birdhound

    Oct 24, 2010
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    nice going Liza!
  16. HOPPER_34

    HOPPER_34 Senior Birdhound

    Oct 24, 2010
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    I just got 3 new rewards from the new Shooting Earth arcade cabinet. Unfortunately, I can't say I got these legitimately but I'm not giving them back! lol When I was playing I got the 'favorite' mushroom power-up that restores health at the very moment that I died. The game made the sound as if I had died but it continued on and I could't take ANY damage or grab any other power-ups but I could continue to shoot. I just kept shooting through all of the levels until the game ended. From what I saw the game gets very hard on later levels--there is no way I could have gotten these rewards if not for that glitch.

    The hand fan came first after level 2 boss I believe and then the satellite facility model a level or 2 later.....and then the strange looking male ballet dancer in his underwear ornament at the end. There might be more rewards for shooting so many of certain targets but that I'm not sure about. Here are some pics of the ones I got:

    View attachment 9948View attachment 9949View attachment 9950View attachment 9951View attachment 9952
  17. ReccaWolf

    ReccaWolf Well-Known Member

    Jan 16, 2011
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    I couldn't see your attachments. It says it's invalid. :p

    But, wtg, Hopper! ^^
  18. HOPPER_34

    HOPPER_34 Senior Birdhound

    Oct 24, 2010
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    Thx Recca. I'm not sure why pics didn't post, but I asked Carla to check into that if she could. That satellite station model is very detailed--pretty cool item really.
  19. C.Birch

    C.Birch Site Owner
    Staff Member Administrator

    Mar 21, 2012
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    If copied from a other thread the images will not show, you will need to click on them to view.
  20. HOPPER_34

    HOPPER_34 Senior Birdhound

    Oct 24, 2010
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    +112 /7
    hmmm ok thx. I didnt copy them from another thread, but I did have to restore saved data after I couldn't post them the first time. Anways, here this will be easier then:
    The Unofficial Peakvox Labs Thread [jp], HOPPER_34, Dec 2, 2011, 8:26 PM,, jpg, PlayStation®Home画像 12-2-2011 1-22-53.jpg The Unofficial Peakvox Labs Thread [jp], HOPPER_34, Dec 2, 2011, 8:26 PM,, jpg, PlayStation®Home画像 12-2-2011 1-25-40.jpg The Unofficial Peakvox Labs Thread [jp], HOPPER_34, Dec 2, 2011, 8:26 PM,, jpg, PlayStation®Home画像 12-2-2011 1-32-29.jpg The Unofficial Peakvox Labs Thread [jp], HOPPER_34, Dec 2, 2011, 8:26 PM,, jpg, PlayStation®Home画像 12-2-2011 1-34-03.jpg The Unofficial Peakvox Labs Thread [jp], HOPPER_34, Dec 2, 2011, 8:26 PM,, jpg, PlayStation®Home画像 12-2-2011 1-36-25.jpg
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