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The Unofficial Edo Space Thread [JP]

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by KCChad, Aug 11, 2011.

  1. xMINDBlIlURx

    xMINDBlIlURx Active Member

    Sep 28, 2011
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    The game itself can be a little tricky.
    I would say it's recommended to spend your time on ogres themselves.
    & attempt the ignore whatever other enemies are around the area.

    I'm actually still in the process of trying to defeat them both.
    So wish me luck. :)
  2. gary160974

    gary160974 I adore Uzi08

    Oct 27, 2010
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    For all thats been going on only just noticed they nicked my towels back lol
  3. K-rolyne72

    K-rolyne72 Active Member

    Sep 21, 2010
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    got 2 of the 4 items at Edo game, really tricky, was only able to kill foot umbrellas and little black monsters

    cant figure what to do with green fireballs neither with the big tower
    i tried to attack some giants but seems to be really hard

    i've discovered 3 chests but only got rewards from 2 of them only
    spoiled sushi from the chest you can find straigth away at the other end
    broken tea pot from the chest you can find at first exit to left (looks like private edo space)

    last chest i found was at first exit to right (twice) looks like the shop and game area in the regular Edo space
    but as i wrote up, this chest is not blinking like the 2 others i found

    and i guess there's a 4th one but havent found it yet since i get many issues while playing too (crapy 1.55 update ^^)
  4. hyperkane

    hyperkane mm (©_©) mm

    Jan 14, 2011
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    I saw that I still have mine. Was today or yesterday? Check your (one-piece) outfits tab. ;)

    As far as the new game. ::p: If you win anthing good then I might try harder.
    Kind of fun to play in there but not really obsessed with winning.
  5. gary160974

    gary160974 I adore Uzi08

    Oct 27, 2010
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    checked and not a towel in sight also tried the bath house and it works perfectly, when I exit I get fully dressed again. no running around in shoes and towel anymore lol , then again knowing the current stuation with items it could of just gone nicked by update lol
  6. C.Birch

    C.Birch Site Owner
    Staff Member Administrator

    Mar 21, 2012
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    Big walking tower, you need to jump and hit it up in the roof area. I did film this space few days ago but thinked i had hit record only to find out after it did not start and i killed everything but the orb things.
  7. Tarazuma

    Tarazuma Member

    Jul 17, 2011
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    A few statistics about the game so far.


    Full set of broken armor with sword: 45 attack/30 defense

    Normal armor with sword: 25 attack/35 defense

    Ronin outfit with sword: 25 attack/18 defense

    I personally only have the broken armor and got the other stats from a friend.

    With 45/30, the number of hits it takes to kill the enemies are:

    Goblins: 3
    Umbrellas: 4
    Well: 7
    Giant: 30-32
    Fireballs are unable to be damaged

    Also you can create a group by yourself and enter the group game, which creates a private room. The game is the same except the giant now takes 60-62 hits. In group, the giant is the only enemy that is synced for all members. All other enemies are spawned individually for each person. The only other difference I have noticed is sometimes the only enemies in group will be the giants and umbrellas.

    As already noted elsewhere, defeating the 2 giants opens up the exit. One thing to keep in mind about this is one of 3 exits will randomly open.

    One is behind the giant in the area near the tenement, in which case about 10 umbrellas will spawn in front of it.

    One is at the opposite end of the entrance, in which case a large number of fireballs spawn.

    The third is across the bridge, in which case a large number of goblins appear on both sides. This is the easiest exit as you can simply run through in a straight line without damage.

    As far as rewards go there are none yet. My score in the top left corner is currently 10,837/2709. I don't know what these numbers means. There is also a third number which constantly changes from 0-3.

    I saw someone mention the numbers 15,000/3500. I don't know if that was their score or perhaps when you get the rewards, but as soon as I get anything I will post it.

    A few quick notes about game play: *pressing L3 puts you in a crouching stance, you move very slow but can attack multiple enemies with each hit if they are close enough. There is some kind of option for the triangle button, but I don't know what it is. I don't have the apartment, but apparently if you do, the healing is infinite. So you can technically get by with just the sword and healing, but you have to be extra careful not to take too much damage at once and it takes longer to kill enemies.

    EDIT: Figured out point system for enemies:

    Umbrella and goblin: 3 pts
    Well: 9 pts
    Giant: 30 pts

    I don't know if the ogre gives more pts in multiplayer, but only the person to deliver the last hit to the ogre gets the points I believe.

  8. sam_reynolds01

    sam_reynolds01 Well-Known Member

    Apr 14, 2011
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    Some great info there tarazuma :thumbsup:

    It takes 30-32 hit to kill the ogre with those stats, I have no chance with my free sword. :p
  9. Firefly

    Firefly Survivor of Sword Arts Online

    Nov 5, 2010
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    nice info!

    add to that if you hold left or right on dpad and attack, you can do a sweep attack that hits multiple targets. Best way to take down a crowd fast.
  10. Tarazuma

    Tarazuma Member

    Jul 17, 2011
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    Oh thanks firefly, I was wonder how and why I saw people doing that different attack. I was initially wondering if it was a third combo attack you get from the new robe, since that adds a third stat that isn't attack of defense.

    Also I have over 15,000 pts now and still no reward :/ if they haven't implemented them yet I hope they will award them retroactively like aurora.

    Oh, and no extra points for beating the giants in multi player :(
  11. faga4567

    faga4567 Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2011
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    I'm pretty sure there are no rewards at the moment. It'll probably be for the next update or so.

    Anyway, there is a bug that has been reported from the official PSHome site.

    On the left top screen, you'll probably see this
    ______両 ______分

    Do not go over 8191両. It'll go back to 0
  12. gary160974

    gary160974 I adore Uzi08

    Oct 27, 2010
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    fourth one is under the tower in market area btw I think they are random as ive touched all 4 when they been glowing and got 3 rewards im missing the broken tea set
  13. gary160974

    gary160974 I adore Uzi08

    Oct 27, 2010
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    Edo Game

    You start at the bathhouse end of the street,
    go straight right into the bath house and go upstairs there is a chest on the floor if its sparkling touch it and get reward
    go back out into street and kill everything up to the orge you can attack him but only take him to when he starts crouching
    then go back the way you came go into edo long house kill everything in there, if you have the edo personnel space the second door from the end in there is a healing area, if you need health go in there and press all four buttons triangle circle square cross at the same time back to full health again, there is also a chest in the far corner of the area check to see if its sparkling if so touch it to get reward, exit the edo long house area via the way you didnt come in, taking you out into the left hand fork of the cross road into the other orge kill everything go to crossroads turn left and go to the end killing everything also see if chest is sparkling if it is touch it, come back the way you came and kill the walking shed he can be attacked from the front or top go down the road to market place at the end past the fire balls there is another chest under the tower, see if its sparkling if so you know the drill by now, now go back for nearly dead orge in the middle of the cross roads, theres two reasons why you leave him till end first one is when he dies an exit spawns which you can see by looking for the beam of light projected into air which is easier to see from crossroads, secondly if you kill the other orge last, you could have the exit spawn right next to you which sounds good but all of a sudden you standing in the middle of 10 umbrella things, not good if your running low on health. There will only be one sparkling box per game so if its one of the firsts dont worry about checking rest, if you havent got edo personnel space and follow this post and get low on health or time leave whats left to kill go back to the already crouching orge kill him and get out of town, the rewards which are completely random you get whether you complete or not but the points you dont so make sure you get out. the only two kills you have to make are the orges so dont be a hero. once the random exit spawned just get out the quickest way possible dont stop to fight you will probably run out of time first. I took on the exit with the umbrellas and killed them all before leaving but had to go a bit hack n slash so dont do it if your low on life
  14. xMINDBlIlURx

    xMINDBlIlURx Active Member

    Sep 28, 2011
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    You know, this space is pretty grand as we see the other locations that are blocked off.
    We can only expect more grand things to come.
  15. KCChad

    KCChad Trophy Junkie

    Dec 31, 2010
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    Updated the thread with food vendor rewards and Mononoke Extermination rewards. Sorry it took so long :p If I need to change anything please let me know.
  16. v_Trillian_v

    v_Trillian_v Fun Lover

    Feb 1, 2011
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    Not sure it was mentioned but just in case, you must have the correct sword to play this.

    We all have several I'm sure and I had one that looked very similar to the store bought one, but it don't work. In fact, poor karen was trying to help me get in the game and I was going no where fast for far too long.

    Turns out, yes, you need very specifc weapons, Granzella's weapons.

    So you can use either the bamboo "sword," which is pretty worthless, or you can use the store purchased one. You cannot use Irem's April Fool's blue sword, the twigs, the short sword that looks similar and I'm presuming every other sword-like weapon in Home that isn't made by Granzella. I mean you can't get in the game otherwise.

    We spent far too long figuring out why I couldn't get in so I hope this might thwart that issue for someone else.

    I'd do some smilies but I'm too tired and they'd just be unhappy ones lol.
  17. Tarazuma

    Tarazuma Member

    Jul 17, 2011
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    New statistics and info from me about this game now that there are actual updates lol.

    First, one of the new swords, the orangeone with the 3 stars plus, combined with a full set of broken armor, gives me 63 attack and 30 defense. The enemies are much easier to defeat now, bringing the counts to:

    Umbrellas: 3 hits
    Goblins: 2 hits
    Giant: 23 hits
    Oni: 12-13 hits
    Well: 5 hits

    The oni is incredibly dangerous, I needed to buy the edo apt finally because of how much damage he takes from you (even when blocking), and he is hard to avoid.

    I bought the top to the new outfit. It gives you a special walk and arm position in edo, but no where else. In the game, it transforms into a staff. My stats with new top and broken armor/orange sword are 49 attack and 24 defense. It also lets you attack very rapidly, up to 3 or more hits, I was able to get a combo of 6 somehow.

    Umbrellas and goblins take the same amount of hits as with the original sword and broken armor, everything else seems to take the same amount as with the orange sword and broken armor, oddly enough. (Maybe a few hits more on the giant.)

    I already had a lot of points, so I was able to get al the current rewards from the old woman, and still have almost 5000 left lol. The prices on the current rewards are rather cheap.

    Also if anyone knows or could translate what the 3 new furniture items in the monster edo store do it would be greatly appreciated :)
  18. ReccaWolf

    ReccaWolf Well-Known Member

    Jan 16, 2011
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    Read Tarazuma's post, and bought myself the war-torn black samurai outfit today, and played around Mononoke for a bit. Was impressed by the stats and the way I killed the monsters so quickly. I'll need to start playing more to get the other rewards from the old woman.

    I did also buy the new furniture pieces too. I do know the effects of each: One of them increases your attack power, one restores your life, and one increases your defense against attacks.

    I also need to know what are the stats given to you - the one in the upper left corner. I know the second one down is points, but I don't know the others. I'm guessing the top one is how many monsters you've killed, and the one after the points is probably a number divider, which may be the case give to you after the mini-game and surviving they calculate the number of points perhaps by division? I'm not totally sure about it. :p

    There are also 3 exits given to you after killing the One-Eyed Priests, one is guarded by the Karakase (the umbrella spirits), the second is guarded by Gaki demons, and the last is guarded by wandering hellish souls.
  19. Digital-Nitrate

    Digital-Nitrate Jetsetter Member

    Feb 26, 2011
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    Thanks for all the updates everyone. I really hope they bring this to NA, or EU, or even HK... would love to play it in English.
  20. K-rolyne72

    K-rolyne72 Active Member

    Sep 21, 2010
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    anyone could beat the big red monster with the spined bat ? it's just impossible to me, been hits 2 times and drop dead T_T any help would be much appreciated

    btw, i play with broken armor and orange saber
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