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Spanish police arrest PSN hackers

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by Joanna, Jun 10, 2011.

  1. WaveLightning777

    Jan 15, 2011
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    ^How many game companies have been hacked now? o_O
  2. v_Trillian_v

    v_Trillian_v Fun Lover

    Feb 1, 2011
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    This latest Reuter's report indicates that the recently caught cabal of nameless saboteurs en España didn't hack our beloved PSN after all. They may not be innocent, but perhaps we shouldn't feed them to the lions quite so quickly :whip:, though FF's Guy Fawkes reference is eerily prescient:

    Spain arrests Anonymous members over Sony attack

    By Iciar Paneda and Jim Finkle

    MADRID/BOSTON | Fri Jun 10, 2011 4:22pm EDT

    MADRID/BOSTON (Reuters) - Spanish police arrested three men suspected to be members of the hacker group Anonymous on Friday, charging them with organizing cyber attacks against the websites of Sony Corp, banks and governments -- but not the recent massive hacking of PlayStation gamers.

    Anonymous responded by threatening to retaliate for the arrests: "We are Legion, so EXPECT US," the group said on its official Twitter feed.

    Spanish police alleged the three "hacktivists" helped organize an attack that temporarily shuttered access to some Sony websites. They were not linked to two massive cyber attacks against Sony's Playstation Network that resulted in the theft of information from more than 100 million customers.

    Police also accused the men of launching cyber assaults on Spanish banks BBVA and Bankia, and Italian energy group Enel SpA.

    The arrests are the first in Spain against alleged members of Anonymous, following the detention of others in the United States and Britain. Police told Reuters all three men were Spanish and in their 30s. One worked in the merchant navy.

    Anonymous is a loose grouping of self-proclaimed hactivists who frequently try to shut down the websites of businesses and other organizations that it opposes.

    Its members describe themselves as Internet freedom fighters and have previously brought down websites of the Church of Scientology, as well as Inc, MasterCard Inc and others they saw as hostile to WikiLeaks and its founder Julian Assange.

    Anonymous members cripple websites by overwhelming them with traffic in what is commonly known as "denial of service" attacks. The group publicizes these campaigns on the Web, giving supporters the information to attack a targeted site.

    The group is currently sponsoring attacks to shut down Turkish government websites in a protest against Internet censorship. Attempts to reach the group by email were not immediately successful.
    To date, the group has not been linked to crimes for financial profit.

    Spanish police said the accused, who were arrested in Almeria, Barcelona and Alicante, were guilty of coordinated computer hacking attacks from a server set up in a house in Gijon in the north of Spain.

    The Spanish police said members of Anonymous, known for wearing Guy Fawkes masks made popular by the graphic novel "V for Vendetta," had also hacked government sites in Egypt, Algeria, Libya, Iran, Chile, Colombia and New Zealand.

    "They are structured in independent cells and make thousands of simultaneous attacks using infected 'zombie' computers worldwide. This is why NATO considers them a threat to the military alliance," the police said in a statement.

    "They are even capable of collapsing a country's administrative structure."

    The police did not rule out further arrests.

    Sony PlayStation spokesman Dan Race declined to comment on the arrests on Friday.
  3. hyperkane

    hyperkane mm (©_©) mm

    Jan 14, 2011
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    LOL. I, too like to insert quips into "reason edited, at times". :eek:

    Wait for it you Fockers. . .
  4. xX_CantThinkOfAProperNameLol_Xx

    Feb 19, 2011
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    (I know you guys are so gonna go all Jackie Chan on my a.. now but..) Ya do know it wasn't really Anonymous who hacked Sony/PSN right? It is possible that some guys did it who say they are part of Anonymous (and as we all know .. or should know that is .. everyone is or can be a part of Anonymous as they stand for every little one of us .. even though most of you hate them now lol) .. I don't think they should be arrested or anything like that tbh. They stood up against Sony. (No, I do not think Sony is as lovely & super nice as they want us to think they are.) As far as I know, Sony was trying to get informations like IP addresses from websites like Youtube of those people who WATCHED geohots videos. Meaning .. they just wanted the IP addresses becuz some1 clicked on a video?! Seriously, wtf?! I'm one of the people who watched his videos. So what? I might be interested in that kinda stuff? Without wanting to hack Sony. And as most of you probably know, Sony just saved our email addresses, passwords and credit card details just like that, they didn't encrypt them or at least not good enough. I think that "hack attack" showed a lot and i don't think them hackers should be arrested. Besides, why is everyone mad at them? We got free games! Hellooooo?! You should thank em lol.
    I, for my part, support Anonymous.
  5. Joanna

    Joanna Well-Known Member
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    Dec 24, 2010
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    Slowly but surely they will get them. Sadly there will most probably be more oversight and less personal freedom when it comes to the web as a result. The civilized world will not sit idly by and let these losers do what they want.

    Stiffer penalties and much longer jail times are more than likely not that far away.

    Suspected Sony hackers arrested in Turkey | TG Daily

    Suspected Sony hackers arrested in Turkey
    Posted on Jun 13th 2011 by Emma Woollacott

    Turkish police have arrested 32 Anonymous hackers after attacks on government websites, the state-run news agency Anadolu reports.

    Spanish police arrest PSN hackers, Jun 10, 2011, 3:37 PM,, 2948

    The attacks, says Anonymous, brought down the country's telecommunications directorate and social security department. Also hit were the Turkish parliament website and the prime minister's office.

    There's little information about the individuals concerned, other than that they were living in 12 different cities.

    Anonymous says its attacks were a response to the news that the Turkish government planned to introduce an internet filter in the country.

    "The government now wants to impose a new filtering system on the 22nd of August that will make it possible to keep records of all the people's internet activity. Though it remains opaque why and how the system will be put in place, it is clear that the government is taking censorship to the next level," it says in a statement.

    "These acts are inexcusable. Accessing and participating in the free flow of information is a basic human right. Anonymous will not stand by while the Turkish government violates this right. We will bring our support to circumvent censorship and retaliate against organizations imposing censorship."

    On Friday, three alleged members of Anonymous were also arrested in Spain on suspicion of a number of attacks, including the high-profile and long-running attack on Sony. Anonymous responded to that by taking down the national police website.
  6. xX_CantThinkOfAProperNameLol_Xx

    Feb 19, 2011
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    See? That is exactly why they are getting attacked.
  7. Joanna

    Joanna Well-Known Member
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    Dec 24, 2010
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    It wouldn't be needed if losers like this weren't doing what they were doing. Please these idiots aren't Robin Hood and they WILL be CAUGHT and put where they belong in jail.

    There are lots of worthwhile causes to support but I would strongly suggest this is certainly not one of them. You are certainly entitled to you view. That is what makes the world go around.

    There are plenty of people who support Al-Qaeda as well. Sorry but I'm certainly not one of them.
  8. ZeroRyoko

    ZeroRyoko Bad Sailor Girl

    Jan 10, 2011
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    The U.S. has no major laws on the books (yet) regarding the controlling of the internet. These idiots are going to make it happen sooner rather than later because of their actions.
  9. xX_CantThinkOfAProperNameLol_Xx

    Feb 19, 2011
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    1. I don't think people who are able to hack nearly everyone are "losers".
    2. You're comparing Anonymous to Al-Qaeda? Wow.
    3. They keep record of everything people are doing/looking at on the internet. Would you want them to see everything you're doing? Doubt it. Anonymous fight for our right. Keeping record of everything we do on the internet is just not right.
  10. Joanna

    Joanna Well-Known Member
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    Dec 24, 2010
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    Sorry they aren't fighting for our rights. They are fighting for attention and they are certainly not special. They are LOSERS plain and simple. And they are a form of cyber terrorists. Disenfranchising millions of people isn't the way to go and I have absolutely NO SYMPATHY for them whatsoever.

    As I said they will be caught and as a result of their actions there will be LESS FREEDOM and not more.

    I trust that the FBI, Homeland Security and other law enforcement agencies around the world will catch a lot more of them soon enough.
  11. xX_CantThinkOfAProperNameLol_Xx

    Feb 19, 2011
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    Well that's your opinion. Nothing wrong with that. I still support em. And there probably will be less freedom but they are still fighting for more and I do think that it's their right to. Hacking is probably not the best way to do so but it's theirs and who knows, they might be successful one day ..
  12. hyperkane

    hyperkane mm (©_©) mm

    Jan 14, 2011
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  13. VampireWicked

    VampireWicked No Cry Baby Cockroaches

    Nov 14, 2010
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    It's amazing how i had posted that same thing in the General Discussion - Games under my thread Gaming News that doesn't need a threadAnd that post disappears & amazingly You start a thread on it joanna
  14. KCChad

    KCChad Trophy Junkie

    Dec 31, 2010
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    Maybe because some gaming news DOES need a thread? Anonymous hackers that took down Sony's servers being arrested? I think a simple one post doesn't do the news justice in the least bit.
  15. hyperkane

    hyperkane mm (©_©) mm

    Jan 14, 2011
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  16. VampireWicked

    VampireWicked No Cry Baby Cockroaches

    Nov 14, 2010
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    Then that's fine but don't delete the original post from another member of the same forum your on & claim it as your own. There was plenty of room for replies to my posting of it & if you or anyone felt you needed more i included the link & you could've searched the web for other information on it & brought that to this forum as well. :)
  17. flutterby83

    flutterby83 Active Member

    Jan 9, 2011
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    ANON is just giving cause to take away freedom of information. Then again that's what these governments want anyways. its a war that just ends the same no matter what side comes out on top. Big Brother is watching!
  18. Firefly

    Firefly Survivor of Sword Arts Online

    Nov 5, 2010
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    Hey Jo, Thanks for posting the info about the Turkey arrests. I appreciate the articles. And I agree with you 100%.

    I agree Anonymous has a very negative effect on our lives and freedoms. Their actions make things worse.

    Can't wait to see some convictions handed out.
  19. v_Trillian_v

    v_Trillian_v Fun Lover

    Feb 1, 2011
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    There's a terrible irony at work here.

    I wrote the above earlier while thinking about the contradiction when a group says it's trying to help and all I see is hurt.

    I just came across this article, doesn't seem like a lot of helping going on here:

    LulzSec goes on hacking rampage against game sites

    By Winda Benedetti

    Lulz Security has struck again but many gamers aren't lulzing ... er ... laughing at the hacking group's latest antics.

    Through its Twitter account Tuesday, LulzSec claimed it had taken down gaming magazine The Escapist as well as the website and log-in server for massively multiplayer game "EVE Online," the log-in server for online action-strategy game "League of Legends," and the log-in server of popular indie game "Minecraft."

    And a visit to those websites showed that, sure enough, they had bit the digital dust.

    Meanwhile, like a playground bully, LulzSec spent Tuesday morning taunting those it had taken down with various tweets.
    "@EveOnline our boats sunk your inferior spaceships, ujelly," they fired off at the official "EVE" Twitter account. And they added, "Silly Eve have taken their entire network offline after our very simple DDoS attack. Oh well, another day, another lulz!"

    And LulzSec had a post for those gamers upset by their attack on "Mincraft" as well: "If you're mad about Minecraft, we'd love to laugh at you over the phone. Call 614-LULZSEC for your chance to reach Pierre Dubois! :3"

    Tuesday's victims were just the latest game-related sites to come under attack from the loosely-knit collective LulzSec (so named because "lulz" is Internet slang for laughs).

    On Monday, LulzSec announced it had hacked the website for popular game developer Bethesda Softworks — the makers of games like "Brink" and the "Elder Scrolls" series — and had taken the personal information of some 200,000 users. But the group claimed that because it "liked" the development company it wouldn't reveal the users' personal information.

    It's unclear why LulzSec would target Bethesda, "EVE Online," "League of Legends" and especially "Minecraft" — which is an underdog of a game if ever there was one and an outstanding example of the kind of great game a small developer working outside the mainstream corporate setting can create. (By the way, Markus "Notch" Persson has said his server is now back up and operational.)

    But then again, who says hackers have to make sense?

    One commenter over at Slashdot suggested that "EVE Online" might have been targeted because of the news announced at E3 last week that the game's maker was launching an "EVE"-related title exclusively for the Sony PlayStation 3. And everyone knows how hackers feel about Sony.

    Meanwhile, perhaps "Minecraft" was victimized because it was announced last week that the game will soon appear on the Xbox 360?

    As for The Escapist, the game magazine (or at least their readers) appeared to have stuck a stick in the hacking hornet's nest.

    A tweet by LulzSec suggested that this Escapist discussion thread full of gamers making angry comments about hackers had caught their eye. So does that mean LulzSec isn't a fan of free speech? If they don't like something someone writes about them, they simply aim and fire?

    Or perhaps it's all just random ransacking. LulzSec did announce via its Twitter account that it was taking recommendations from its followers to determine who it should attack next. And the group did recently tweet: "We did it because they couldn't stop us."

    Certainly LulzSec has been very busy in the last few weeks. It has laid claim to breaking into the websites of PBS, Sony Pictures, Nintendo and others. And yesterday it attacked not only the game sites, but a porn site and a Senate website as well.

    While attacks on big and seemingly "faceless" corporations may not have inspired much ire from some corners of the gaming and online worlds, these attacks on smaller companies and groups have certainly fired many people up.

    Tweeted one angry gamer to LulzSec: "OMG yeah so mad SO F%#&ing MAD!!! I know thats what you want but wtf what did they do?"

    Tweeter Markus Nigrin summed it up best: "Great move by @lulzsec taking down Minecraft. Independent game devs are such great targets :("

    Yes, the question is, with LulzSec's increasingly mean-spirited attacks, how many people are laughing?

    Decided to look for a Yoda quote to sum up some thoughts about these so-far-nameless and jail-less individuals:

    "Clear, your mind must be if you are to discover the real villains behind the plot."
  20. xX_CantThinkOfAProperNameLol_Xx

    Feb 19, 2011
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    nice post Trillian, quite interesting .. i'll keep an eye on that ;) but i gotta say attacking independent game developers & stuff doesnt seem right to me .. oh well ..

    Oh & i so agree with VampireWicked lol .. If you're posting somet then it should be your post and not some1 elses & you cant just delete theirs instead. wrong. wrong. wrong. =p
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