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Sites Reward system database: Your feedback, likes, dislike & ideas

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by C.Birch, Nov 19, 2011.

  1. Firefly

    Firefly Survivor of Sword Arts Online

    Nov 5, 2010
    Likes Received:
    +67 /2
    Oh! that sounds very interesting!

    Being a ipad user, the nonflash will be pretty helpful. No flash has always been ipad's achilles heel.

    I usually only search for either a very new reward, or a very old one. The current system is great for finding a new reward, but the new alphabetical listing will be great help for older rewards.
  2. Pendrake

    Pendrake Active Member

    May 27, 2011
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    I'd like an iPhone app that can pull up the database please. I hate walking to the PC for info. :)
  3. C.Birch

    C.Birch Site Owner
    Staff Member Administrator

    Mar 21, 2012
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    I'm sure a app would not be needed if it was just normal php, java and html that the iphone could load.
  4. IronJoker-iJ

    IronJoker-iJ Fashionista
    Valued Member

    Aug 27, 2011
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    Well, what I would love is to show PSHome devs what "properly categorized" items looks like :smartass:

    a) So ... skirts, are not "legs" (IMHO, legs should be separate from shoes and pants/skirts/dresses).
    b) Dresses are not "outfits", nor "legs" or "torso", they should be dresses.
    c) Shoes - Formal, heels, sports, costume, military, and everything else in casual
    d) Costumes should get their own section
    And the supreme awesome would be to be able to also sort by color =) (put a mouse-over palate on the side as a reference)

    "Should have been"s:
    1) Costumes - In the "Costume Section" - should have a single icon that can equip them whether they are a single piece or multiple.
    2) "Outfits" - should be a separate section in "saved" that let you put/add/remove "things that go well together" into a saved section so when you open up one of them up, you ONLY see the ones you have added that go well together.
    3) I love separates (combined are so inflexible) but trying to put all the parts of a set spread out through storage and other sections is evil! times. We need a way to reassemble items of a set.
    4) Clothing layers and priority - omg guys, I don't know how the clothing item graphics are designed.. but there needs to be a huge overhaul of how things come together, what goes on top of what, and what should NOT show through what. Even Photoshop can set layer priorities.. o_O
    5) Jewelry should ALWAYS be separate from hand and clothes items. (Rings, earrings, necklaces, bracelets/watches, broaches/pins/medals/ribbons)
    6) Give me the ability to assign 1-5 stars (by the 1/2 star increment) and the ability to sort them by "my" star rating.
    7) See sort-by-color above

    A bit off topic, but I needed to get that off my chest somewhere right?.. :taser2:
  5. kricky31

    kricky31 Rayman's #1 Fan

    Mar 23, 2010
    Likes Received:
    +5 /1
    Hi Carla -- looks great!

    I love the ability to sort the rewards different ways. That will be very helpful. I think it would be useful to make "Available" and "Not Available" a drillable category like A-Z and Oldest to Newest. There are some very old Home rewards that are still available and it would be nice to do a sort on just the stuff I can still get. You are keeping this info anyways for the graphic so hopefully it's a possibility. "Male/Female/Both" and "Furniture/Clothing" would be awesome too, and also, data that you most likely have in your database already.

    The other thing on my wish list and this is for all items (not just rewards), is the ability to search variables like "main item color", "piece of clothing" and such. For example, it would be very powerful to be able to type in "rewards+red+tshirt+available" and get all the available red tshirts. There are several different ways you could address this because this would be an incredible amount of data. One idea is that you could allow registered users to tag the items/photos. There might be other ways, I'm not that familiar with image searching, but it seems like color might be a possibility there. For example, a program/script that scans an image are returns the color that's the highest percentage of the image. Seems like something that someone/somewhere would have written already :)
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