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Featured PlayStation Home - Server Closure Notice

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by C.Birch, Sep 26, 2014.

  1. Kiri

    Kiri New Member

    Sep 27, 2014
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    While I understand your mad something you love is coming to an end i see no reason to stop buying sony products. Sony could have easily given up on Home years ago but for the must part they allowed it to live throughout the PS3's lifehood. Sony nvr said home would go to PS4 ppl just assumed as much, from the very begiinning Home was a PS3 project.

    Mind you i mean no offense to what i'm about to say here as this is just my opinion but i think it rather stupid for anyone to boycot Sony products b/c they are shutting home down. Nothing last forever and Its b/c of Sony you were albe to create those wonderful memories and meet so many ppl. Also as for items purchased in Home thats the just part of digital distribution, I bought a good amount in Home but i also knew full well that once home came to an end (and i knew it would) that i would i lose all those items i purchased, but idc b/c in my opinion i was not the buying the items i was buying the memories that those items help create and that will last till i die.

    So while i know your heart broken its coming to an end and ur mad and u want to lash out at sony, i find it rather odd as it was sony that provided u the means to form those memory. Of course I assume u'll reply with how Home didnt have to die if sony had provided more support and so forth but to give an example Halo 2 huge muliplayer universe yet MS shut down those servers and pissed off alot of ppl and halo is extremely successful. Of course they ended up doing Halo 3 and 4 but ppl still missed halo 2 (and its one of the reason halo fans are so happy halo 2 is going to xb1 as meand halo 2 servers go bk up). My point all things come to an end but i'm not going to boycott sony products b/c they provide me with something that gave me lasting memories and i look forward to see what sony creates on ps4 to do the same. So I say thank you Sony and The Home community and instead of going on raging fit and trying to bash sony i'm going to just have fun in home for its last months and start to create new mememories on ps4 as well >..<
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    • kwoman32

      kwoman32 Head Administrator
      Staff Member Administrator

      Nov 29, 2009
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      I gave Sony lots of kudos for creating Home back in 2007. While others are angry about losing the money they invested, I am not. I enjoyed every minute I was on Home and I knew full well the money spent was gone forever if Sony pulled the plug. I read the TOS.

      My anger comes from Sony's total inability to manage Home. My anger comes from Sony's total indifference to its customers. Sony ignored Home after they created it. It had virtually no support. Anyone who tried to get something fixed in Home knows full well what I am talking about.

      When something goes wrong, a good company will immediately respond. Even if it is only to say, "We're sorry you are experiencing problems and we will work on it". Sony responded with dead silence. Those in charge of Home RARELY showed their face in Home. And when they did, they surrounded themselves with "yes men".

      Let's not forget Sony made money off of Home. We won't ever know if it was actually profitable or not because Sony will never release those numbers.

      I could go on with a long list of Sony's blunders. I won't. Suffice it to say, if Sony had people with the proper experience to run Home and actually cared about it, we might not be having this discussion today. So yes, I loved Home and congratulate Sony for its creation. Why they created such a wonderful platform and then totally ruined it, one can only guess. I find that "hands-off" management inexcusable.

      It makes it difficult to understand why I would buy another product from a company with such an obvious disdain for those who support them.
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      • FriarGirl

        FriarGirl Member

        Jan 22, 2011
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        I feel just as frustrated as Karen and Carla do too - I have been on Home since a few weeks prior to open beta back in December 2008. It's sad to see Home coming to an end after all the years of enjoyment it has provided but unfortunately it just proves that when you let the patients run the asylum by hacking and stealing items, freezing servers, being fake mods and do nothing about it - it drives away the users to a point where they stop using the service and buying the items of the developers.
        Sony unfortunately couldn't get control of the situation and in some ways was as responsible for the hackers running amuck (accidently releasing the mod tools) as those that felt it necessary to circumvent the rules for their own amusement.
        Home has meant everything to my gaming history the past 6 years - from the original Xi, EA Poker Room, Central Plaza, those I met along the way and became my friends, to the fundraiser for Breast Cancer Awareness with the Drew Brees jerseys, all the Midways, Aurora and LKWD Life challenges - It's been a good ride but I can't help to think just how much greater Home could have been if the visions of Phil Harrison and others wasn't blurred by those that just had to cheat their way through everything!
        So while I look back on the wonderful friends and memories that Home provided me I will not forget how people can destroy what was a wonderful place just to satisfy their shallow lives. Hopefully my friends and those memories can erase the sour taste I have in my mouth right now!
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        • Peator

          Peator New Member

          Sep 27, 2014
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          #24 Peator, Sep 27, 2014
          Last edited: Sep 28, 2014
          I can't even describe the way I feel about losing playstation home you really don't know and I am a homeless right now I feel truly horrible and I still having troubles believing this.
          Like you don't know what does 'home' means to me, I have spent all my college money in playstation home and I am not even sad about it yes it sounds insane but money is not issue to me, i will be missing it in a way i cant explain it to you, i am really nervous and really not feeling well after hearing the news i am faithless now there is no words i can type to tell you how upset i am and feeling horrible right now. and really PlayStation Home - Server Closure Notice, Sep 26, 2014, 5:32 PM,, 10031there is no place like home i was really close to own all items you can purchase on home store but it’s too late home is closing their doors i am items collector and it's my hobby, I never felt more happy than what i am doing.

          sorry i cant spell because i am really nervous about it

          Rip Playstation home *SadFace*
        • megan

          megan Member

          Aug 17, 2014
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          its a shame cos i love the skirt
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          • FoxxyCanuck

            Jul 24, 2012
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            Hi everyone,

            As you can probably tell by my initial comment yesterday, I was VERY upset upon hearing the News of Home closing. To be honest, I was crying and ranting for a few hours...Yes, Home means that much to me.

            Not only is/was Home a unique Social Gaming experience, but I met my BFF on Home. Seriously, she is like the sister I never had and I do feel this will be a life long friendship. Home also enabled me to "hangout" with my RL sister (who is 6 hours and 2 ferry rides away), and meet a lot of people from around the world I would otherwise have never met.

            I enjoyed the casualness of Home, the games...and yes, the purchasing of spaces, items, and last count, I had 165 personal spaces...but have acquired a few more since then. LOL (And yes, I will be taking plenty of pics to remember them by.)

            And I know I've spent lots of money on Home, but I don't mind, because that was supporting the many wonderful and creative Developers who made Home a much better place.

            However, I am very upset with the way Sony broke the news to their customers, it was very wrong of them considering Japan and Asia got a years notice. I definitely think they could have handled it better.

            And though it makes me very sad that Home is closing, I do plan on being on until the end, and I may just purchase an item or two to show support to my fav. Developers.

            I also want to Thank for providing such an excellent website for all these years...and hope to see most of you in a new Home-like adventure down the road... ;-)

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            • Peator

              Peator New Member

              Sep 27, 2014
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              i really feel worse than you
            • Peator

              Peator New Member

              Sep 27, 2014
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              #28 Peator, Sep 28, 2014
              Last edited: Sep 28, 2014
              What really happened is Jack Buser the creator of the playstation home has a new project called playstation now on the Ps4 So they planned to Run their streaming service in Europe and they need more strong servers to carry on playstation now to the next level So they get rid of Playstation home servers and announced they will shut it down and use the servers on something they think it's better and making them more money, it's playstation now on the ps4 it took our favorite thing.... the releasing date of playstation now streaming service on Europe is the Same time that's will playstation home closing their doors for us, i figure it out what sony want is the money and not caring about the customers So the reason why we lose Playstation home is The Ps4 and playstation now project.
              • Agree Agree x 2
              • ReccaWolf

                ReccaWolf Well-Known Member

                Jan 16, 2011
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                Playstation Now is nothing more than a rental gaming experience project. You play a rental game, and if you like it, you can download it at the regular price or discount on PSN Store. Seems like a good deal, but it's just another way to get money from you to buy a game on the system than buying the game disc directly at GameStop or whatever video game place you go to. However, you can also enjoy co-op and multiplayers while playing the rental game without fuss.

                I'd rather have PS Home than PS Now, since I can just watch Twitch or YouTube videos of the game playthroughs and judge for myself if the game is good enough to buy and keep. :p
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                • Yoshikawa

                  Yoshikawa Active Member

                  Feb 4, 2011
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                  I had so many fun years with ps home Been part of it since dec of 07 when was just 3 spaces total I see home go leaps and bonds above what first started out as Spent way to much money on clothes Brand New Car kinda money No joke Will miss home for sure Will never trust Sony with another social meeting platform again.Na and Eu lied to us keeps us in the dark japan knew for over 2 years now Why SCEA and SCEU Why :/
                • Kiri

                  Kiri New Member

                  Sep 27, 2014
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                  I think you must have misunderstood what saying, so I'll go into more detail. Halo 2 had a huge following but it didn't stop MS from shutting down the servers and it's also worth mentioning MS had no plans to turn the servers bk on, the only reason halo 2 is coming bk is b/c MS has so few ip's they need halo so they are releasing all halo games again. This of course also means ull need to start over from scratch as well b/c MS had no plans to revive halo 2 despite its fans.

                  It's also worth mentioning MS is one of the worst companies in regards to consoles as they basically kill off the previous console as soon as the new console is released to force u to upgrade.

                  As for Home and Sony, wether u won't to admit it or not home was only a small % of the PS community and as such it's highly unlikely it was making huge profits from home (I'd say they made enough not lose any money). Home was after all a free service (halo 2 was not as gold cost u) and seeing as how sony is closing it now is a clear sign it was not doing to well, after all if something is not making u money u stop putting money into it (that's also business 101), and I will say sony put some money in home with its rather huge update in 2011. The fact home went on for as long as it did as a free service is truly amazing and it's b/c it was a free service I was never pissed about the loading times and other issues.

                  Anyway wether u like it or not it's clear Home was not a huge success and only targeted a small % of users, if you don't believe me u only need to look at the PS4 in less than a yr the system has alrdy sold over 10million units, the reason why is b/c sony is a business and they know where their targeted audience is so they r providing a slew of games for this winter and next yr that will only keep increasing their sales. It's all as u put business 101 and Sony is doing just that focusing on there major target audience b/c Home never was and never would be a system seller. It was a neat idea but playstation is about games at the end of the day. I'll be honest with I loved home in the beginning b/c it gave me something to do on ps3 since games were lacking in the beginning on ps3 but once the games started to come home became something I visited less and less.

                  Finally u claim to know business yet truth be told the ppl that are mad about home closing will in 6 months time more than likely forget about there rage and go out and get a ps4 if they don't have one alrdy. I Know b/c I made a lot ppl mad in my day and they would claim "I'm never coming bk",yet 3 weeks later they come bk as if nothing happen. Ultimately business is about money and if there is no money in it well sry to say its not going to last
                • Kiri

                  Kiri New Member

                  Sep 27, 2014
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                  This makes no sense what so ever......... Do you really think you can play a ps4 game on a PS1? Of course you are going to have upgrade, just like u have to upgrade a computer to play newer games. The consoles are actually cheaper than computers and usually last you for 7-10 yrs with no upgrades till the next console and it's whole a lot cheaper than upgrading a PC. Yes their will be a PS5 b/c technology advances and u need keep up with times. I'm beginning to wonder if u know anything about business now? If sony never released the ps2 or ps3 then their would be no playstation b/c Nintendo and ms would have killed them. In business u have to keep up with the computation or you will fail.

                  Really I truly hope u don't think the ps1 has the power to play ps2 - ps4 games? Technolgy advances and b/c it does so newer consoles are needed(hence next gen). Tho with the current gen now and the way things looks a ps6 or xbox 5 may not be needed.
                • Kiri

                  Kiri New Member

                  Sep 27, 2014
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                  While true and if psnow is partially responsible for homes closure then it makes a lot of sense as a business. Home was not bring in a good amount of money but PSnow is more than just a rental service it's a service that allows ppl to play playstation games without the need of owning a playstation. It will allow you to stream playstation games to your phone, smart tv's, pstv, psvita, and of course the consoles. So this basically allows sony to reach a lot more ppl and thus provide more revenue.
                • TamieBARBIE

                  Valued Member

                  May 31, 2014
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                  #34 TamieBARBIE, Sep 28, 2014
                  Last edited: Sep 28, 2014
                  Well... I don't know about you guys, but I'm about to go through the 5 stages of grief very quickly and get it over with.
                  #1. DENIAL... They will bring Home back just you wait and see. It's not leaving. It's going to be on PS4 or revised on PS3.:X3:
                  #2. ANGER... How dare Sony do this to home! grrrrrrrr!:rage:
                  #3. BARGAINING... Just PLEASE put Home on PS4 and we'll all buy a PS4 *smile*:angelic:
                  #4. DEPRESSION... This is so sad. I can't handle this truth. :cry:
                  #5. ACCEPTANCE... I want to thank the hard-working devers for all their great products that enhanced the experiences of Home. Thank you to YPSH and all of it's staff and members. I'll always remeber the fun, the contest and the generousity.
                  Home was a tool through which I was able to make friends, vent, express my self and show my fashion sense through my avi, do some interior decorating, play games, win rewards and and admire some of the beautiful public and private spaces of Home. I will truly miss it all. As we know, even good things sometimes end, but the fond memories forever live on. I hope all of us in time can heal, find some comfort and alternative joy within your lives. To all my friends on Home: BE STRONG AND LET THE MEMORIES LIVE ON. :kiss:
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                  • Kiri

                    Kiri New Member

                    Sep 27, 2014
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                    #35 Kiri, Sep 28, 2014
                    Last edited: Sep 28, 2014
                    I can understand ur anger about how it was managed but I don't think sony really saw much support from home. The problem I feel is Home was doomed from the start once the games started to release on ps3. Playstation is 1st and foremost a gaming console and gamers are what support the system. It's sad to say but home users were. Only a small % and the facts it's closing is a clear sign it never brought in much profit b/c if it did I would be in ps4.

                    Sadly companies have to cut their loses and I truly believe home was something playstation viewed as a lose. I think it was awesome what Sony tried to do but I also think home was way beyond its time. Tho idk if home is completely dead I think we may see it on ps4 or ps5 using project Morpheus as the technology becomes more advance. Just imagine fully immersing yourself in home, now that would be an experience, but I also believe if home is to come bk it won't be a free service.

                    As for ur last quote about supporting sony, ppl are quick to forget if u don't believe me look at ps4 it's sold over 10 million units in less than a yr making the most successful console launch to date, despite how badly sony treated the hacking issues. Granted the stuff we got afterwards were great but did u feel safe with. We'll ppl have forgotten that and now ps4 is the #1 selling system, and it's b/c they are focused on what their supporters want and sadly the home community is nowhere near as large as the gaming community.
                  • Kiri

                    Kiri New Member

                    Sep 27, 2014
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                    That's good to hear, for a second I actually thought u were serious XD tho I mentioned ps6 b/c where we are now not much difference can be seen in the way the games look now. From ps1 to ps2 to ps3 their were huge graphic upgrades and that's why ppl bought the consoles, it was the major selling point for many. But now not much difference can be seen between say ps3 or ps4 graphics so the focus needs to change. It's also possible a ps6 may not even be needed with streaming technology so if u pass of ps4 for ps5 u may not have worry about ps6 as their May not be one just a simple streaming box XD
                  • yvan

                    yvan New Member

                    Sep 28, 2014
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                  • VickyTheVampire

                    VickyTheVampire HDG Moderator (keeper of cakes)

                    Dec 3, 2013
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                    neotopia - Embrace Tomorrow

                    home is coming to the ps4 even if sony says it isn't check out the link read the features
                    and tell me it isn't home rebranded
                  • C.Birch

                    C.Birch Site Owner
                    Staff Member Administrator

                    Mar 21, 2012
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                    Is a interview on this very site ;)
                  • VickyTheVampire

                    VickyTheVampire HDG Moderator (keeper of cakes)

                    Dec 3, 2013
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                    lol ya i just noticed
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