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Online access pass code, Your thoughts

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by VampireWicked, May 23, 2011.

  1. gary160974

    gary160974 I adore Uzi08

    Oct 27, 2010
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    Is it a fight against piracy or another way of making money.
  2. faga4567

    faga4567 Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2011
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    It's somewhat both, but it's more towards those that buy it used. This is a way to get money for used sales since they receive nothing from it. New software includes the codes for online play, so you don't pay any extra.
  3. VampireWicked

    VampireWicked No Cry Baby Cockroaches

    Nov 14, 2010
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    Without DLC, Core games aren't worth the new price tag.

    They want to add online pass requirements Then give gamers a full gaming experience without having to DLC.
    When older standalone titles has more content then sequels without DLC, there's something wrong.
    There's no reason to keep games if you need DLC to get the full gaming experience.
    There's no reason to buy games new, they don't justify the release date price tag.
    Why buy games like MK9, Skyrim or many others & spend $5 dollars per character or $9.99 per quest When they'll be a MK9 collectors edition or Skyrim GOTY with everything later on. And i still won't buy those new.

    Solution just wait for a price drop, they aren't worth buying New.
  4. gary160974

    gary160974 I adore Uzi08

    Oct 27, 2010
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    Could mean the used market price comes down and if you dont wanna play online might be some decent bargins out there
  5. VampireWicked

    VampireWicked No Cry Baby Cockroaches

    Nov 14, 2010
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    Since gaming companies doesn't add multi-player split screen so we can play at home with friends, we shouldn't be charged for multi-player online access. Also Sony's PSN network should be alot more stable before they even dare ask players to pay.
  6. VampireWicked

    VampireWicked No Cry Baby Cockroaches

    Nov 14, 2010
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    Battlefield 3 'probably' shipping with online pass

    The confusion regarding EA's plans for Battlefield 3's multiplayer access is palpable. GamerZines reports that Battlefield 3Executive Producer Patrick Bach stated in an interview last week that the game would "probably" require a code for access to multiplayer. When pushed on whether EA would lock out second-hand players through use of an online pass, he replied, "I think we are." EA told the site it would pick up the conversation "another time."The latest major iteration of the Battlefieldfranchise, Battlefield: Bad Company 2, implemented a "VIP Pass," granting access to extra content, but placed no initial limitations on multiplayer access. EA's online pass (i.e. Project Ten Dollar) -- now utilized by many publishers, with Ubisoft being the latest -- cuts off multiplayer to anyone who doesn't purchase a code, which comes bundled in new copies of games.
    :vampire: CLICK THE LINK 4 MORE :vampire:
    Battlefield 3 'probably' shipping with online pass | Joystiq
  7. VampireWicked

    VampireWicked No Cry Baby Cockroaches

    Nov 14, 2010
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    It's Not us, It's You

    BLAH BLAH BLAH Online pass.
    Companies hate gamers buying used games then they add the online pass but they never think about why a large number of gamers buy used.
    If games were worth keeping then we wouldn't trade them in.
    Stop withholding content to be sold as high priced DLC.
    Bring back unlockable rewards in games.
    Add more content to standalone games.
    Make the standalone games worth the new pricetag without having to buy DLC.
    If not then your games aren't worth buying new, more & more gamers will wait for price drops GOTY versions rent or trade them in even pirate them.
  8. yokokoroma

    yokokoroma Active Member

    May 24, 2011
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    When this idea originally was brought up, I had predicted this! Whatever company, (which was SONY, I believe) stated that they were going to do this, I immediately knew other companies would follow suit. This isn't about what they can offer you in a game, it's about how much money they can get from you! There is no game developers perspective, it's as VampireWicked stated, the dlc exceeds what they would make financially!! That may actually be an understatement, seeing as dlc is overpriced! I've seen map's for certain games that are $10, that's right $10! So if you bought the game new for $60 & bought 4 map's that's $100! If you tire of the game and want to trade or sell it, you won't see half of what you spent on it! Greed is global, games are now being released in two types, regular and collectors/limited edition formats (some being as high as $100) Now if you bought a CE version of a game, and they added several pieces of dlc, you'd be mad. DLC is both a pro & a con, the pro is we can demo more games vs..
  9. yokokoroma

    yokokoroma Active Member

    May 24, 2011
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    an actual disc, like a "Jampack" or a "PS Underground" demo disc, which is essentially the same as a "Jampack" disc! However the cons, distort the pros severely! I will once again reference what VampireWicked stated, in that dlc has taken unlockables out the game, you must now download, what other wise would've already been present in the game itself had you beaten it! In many cases the dlc is not worth what they charage for it, ex "Genji: Dawn Of The Samurai" dlc : alternate costumes? really? that should've been in game from start!! Many think dlc completes a game once they have downloaded it all, the opposite is also true, dlc can leave a game incomplete, ex "Heavy Rain", "Heavy Rain Chronicles" dlc, which was suppose to provide some more insight on the 4 lead characters involved in the game! Was it brought to completion? no, there is only one chronicle, there are some who say, "It's going to get finished"! I say keep dreaming, the creators behind "Heavy Rain" have already abandoned it! ...
  10. yokokoroma

    yokokoroma Active Member

    May 24, 2011
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    The creators behind "Heavy Rain" stated that they were through with interactive dramas, thus it is clear they have no intention of finishing "Heavy Rain Chronicles" dlc I have "Heavy Rain" and I purchased "Heavy Rain Chronicles" as well, but the mere fact that it was left incomplete, irritates me, because I bought the 1st one thinking they would release another later (it never happened) the point is, this online pass code is not going to do what SONY thinks it is! There are 2 scenarios that will likely occur and a third which SONY and those companies following in their footsteps, believe will happen. The 1st is quite simple gamers will not buy the game at all! The 2nd scenario is gamers will wait for price drops and won't play online multiplayer at all, this is a lose lose for the dev, not only do they not profit from sale of game, but theres also less players playing on their servers, less activity means bye bye online multiplayer. It's only productive if gamers are playing online, if not it's pointless..
  11. yokokoroma

    yokokoroma Active Member

    May 24, 2011
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    & soon, if not then that server will be shut down! The 3rd and final scenario, or it's own separate scenario all together, is that gamers will, buy the game brand new (not going to happen) If we were all able to buy new games, it wouldn't be an issue! However, that's not the case, we all have obligations most of which, require us to pay money, be they bills, food, etc... Theres no shame in buying a used game, and no gamer should ever feel as such! No not all used games will be in good condition because there are those who abuse their games, but there are also those who take care of their games! Anyways all companies hoping for that 3rd scenario are in for a rude awakening, the most likely result of this will be that gamers pull away from those companies implementing this and move towards the ones who aren't!!!!
  12. cylon_6

    cylon_6 Member

    Jul 25, 2011
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    To be honest with you, I don’t like it because its just other reason how game developers trying to make more from us. I understand that they don’t see money from trade in games etc but come on some these game developers do nothing new with these games once they get old. I mean if they going charge us to use there online servers, then they need bring out new content to support there the price.
  13. VampireWicked

    VampireWicked No Cry Baby Cockroaches

    Nov 14, 2010
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    Online Servers lack stability

    True but your forgetting something else too.
    EA PSN & others shouldn't even think about asking any gamers for online pass requirements, their online servers are NOT stable.
    How many times have you or any other PSN member been disconnected from PSN.
    EA's servers, people has been disconnected from their online servers while gaming more times then PSN yet neither PSN or EA thinks about that.
    Why are they asking you for any kind of payment to access an unstable service?
  14. cylon_6

    cylon_6 Member

    Jul 25, 2011
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    EA always trying to take money from me, First it was the Sims and now they got there hand out asking for more. Well I not going worry paying for pay online service, If EA thinking I will I wont because it the campaign suck chances are wont even go online.
  15. VampireWicked

    VampireWicked No Cry Baby Cockroaches

    Nov 14, 2010
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    I agree i won't go online either if it gets to bad. I hope there'll always be an offline option because i live without playing online, I did during the outage & will again if need be.
  16. VampireWicked

    VampireWicked No Cry Baby Cockroaches

    Nov 14, 2010
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    Driver: San Francisco Online Pass Goes Free After Printing Gaffe

    Online access pass code, Your thoughts, May 23, 2011, 2:24 AM,, 2708
    Following an error with printing codes for Uplay Passports that would provide access to multiplayer and other content in Driver: San Francisco, Ubisoft has decided to release the Passport for free to gamers worldwide. Ubisoft has been involved in a great deal of DRM-related news over the past two months, starting with its announcement that it was adopting the online pass model -- calling it Uplay Passport -- and including it with Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 versions of Driver. The PC version was originally going to have DRM that required gamers to maintain a constant Internet connection, a method it deemed a success in past uses, but outrage led to it dropping it in favor of DRM that only requires an Internet connection at launch.
    :demonangel: CLICK THE LINK 4 MORE :demonangel:
    Driver: San Francisco Online Pass Goes Free After Printing Gaffe
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