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Noon Downtown Coming From Granzella – Awesome!

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by Joanna, Dec 14, 2011.

  1. Baron_Brain

    Baron_Brain Notorious Dis-Member
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    Jan 22, 2011
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    This was a social game? (I do mean this seriously; I'm not being a smartass.) That's odd, as I didn't even know you could properly chat with anybody while in-game (the couple times I even managed to get in to play, what with the horrendous wait times).

    If I was with the right friends, hanging out and talking as we often do, then perhaps — as you said — I could see this being an ok "little something extra" background diversion… so long as I didn't have to actually pay much attention to it, of course. But on its own merits when I'm by my lonesome, as I often am in Japan? Definitely wore out it's welcome quickly.
  2. faga4567

    faga4567 Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2011
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    The problem with Granzella is that their concept isn't designed well. It's probably because the creators are used to create console games, and not social games.

    Looking at the Japan forums and twitter, there has been alot of controversy, arguments, fights, and negative opinions towards Granzella. There have been alot of suggestions, and bug reports sent to Kujo through twitter and it makes me wonder if the users in Japan are treated as beta testers before the release to other regions.

    Also, I don't like the way they are releasing stuff. It's either incomplete, or they bring a better one at a later date.
    So far:
    the jet ski hasn't gotten any updates
    mononoke hasn't gotten any new stages
    fossil digging isn't complete (there's at least 2 more dinosaurs and starfish fossils that hasn't been included)
    museum personal space was dark and bugged
    neon isn't beginner friendly, more towards high levels that have friends and groups
    releasing weaker stat items and few weeks later releases stronger ones of the same kind (tools for digging, swords for mononoke, etc)
    alot of bugs, freezes, corrupting save files
    price is expensive, not much into selling bundles or discount price

    Don't get me wrong. I would like to see Granzella succeed, but they need plan it better.
  3. gary160974

    gary160974 I adore Uzi08

    Oct 27, 2010
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    shame really, to me it looks like they have targeted the elite home user that spends all they time reward hunting and will pay anything to obtain rewards. Grab money hard and fast tactics concern me because how day to day is they exsistence if they risk losing users by doing all the things you mentioned above
  4. sam_reynolds01

    sam_reynolds01 Well-Known Member

    Apr 14, 2011
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    I find this very demotivating in neon, because I'm a lower level I don't get any customers and have been relying on training game to gain points.
  5. Joanna

    Joanna Well-Known Member
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    Dec 24, 2010
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    The training game will demotivate you very quickly. My experience is that a full round of training without mistakes will net you around 1200 to 1400 server points. You can get more than that from one customer with just one serve.

    Well for the women it's certainly motivating. I've been there a lot and have 6 of the original 8 costumes/outfits. I need the pink and black dress and then on to some of the newer content.

    I will agree that if you aren't a high level it's certainly harder to get customers. I do see new users there and they do have customers. I'll admit I will avoid them and look for level 12 servers. I do try and help when it comes to friends serving. I also try and be sure that when I serve I have my mood meter full. I don't serve with an empty or half full meter.

    I recently got my level 5 certificate for the Club upstairs so I'm a level 12 when serving with 50 drinks per turn. It does pay to serve at the same location each time given leveling up in each of the server areas does have their own certificates. Buying doesn't seem to matter.

    Even a new player will be a 9 if the mood meter is full. If you try serving with an empty meter – which I see some users doing – they'll be a 5 or 6. That certainly isn't going to motivate customers.

    I agree being with friends does help when you're getting started. It certainly is frustrating getting into a que and finally getting to serve to have no one be your customer. I had that happen to me a couple times yesterday with a full meter and the second time at least I had a friend come and help out.

    My observation is that the downstairs areas seem to be a bit more user friendly when it comes to new users. I haven't served or eaten/drank in the new Salon. It does appear to be great when it comes to server points listening to friends who use it. I do understand the drink/happy point ratio is a bit expensive there. Seems more like to serve than eat or drink there.

    Personally I don't worry about server points all that much given I find it hard to spend what I have now. It seems to be fine if I am able to get in a serve on a regular basis with a full meter. Relative to getting into a server que I find that if I am around 3/4's full I will get behind the bar and wait for a server to finish. The Japanese are very polite and will often begin to chat a lot and bow as their turn is ending. It seems to work for me at least and ques are hard to get in at times.
  6. Joanna

    Joanna Well-Known Member
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    Dec 24, 2010
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    And in reference to Granzella pricing they are certainly expensive. They do need to introduce bundle pricing both in Japan and in North America. Frankly I simply can't afford to buy much from them. I will get an outfit I like but will avoid getting it in multiple colors.

    I dont' know if the current pricing works for them but I do believe they'd make more money if they had bundles that were reasonable. They need to take a look at what Lockwood does.
  7. gary160974

    gary160974 I adore Uzi08

    Oct 27, 2010
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    Lockwood are superb at what they do, granzella have a lot to learn, id pay for sodium 2 boosters but wouldnt touch granzella tickets, ive got the scorpios bar uniform and brick shoes but wouldnt touch granzella clothes, reasons are cost and you have this feeling they will release something better for they games next week, they only claim to fame is having the only game in home that requires 2 apartments, tickets and premium items to play it fully, me and my friends dont hold back on the cash if we like it we buy it, but we havent hung out in a granzella space properly since October and currently would still struggle to find a reason to, they could disappear and we wouldnt notice
  8. Joanna

    Joanna Well-Known Member
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    Dec 24, 2010
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    Well personally I like their spaces. I think they do a good job. I'm not happy about pricing but in my view they are one of the better developers on Home. Others need to look at what they are doing.

    I'd miss them if they left and I'm sure I wouldn't be alone.

    My biggest gripe is cost. I do look at that when I personally buy things.
  9. gary160974

    gary160974 I adore Uzi08

    Oct 27, 2010
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    not that i think they that bad, but i can name more developers id buy stuff from, more games from other developers id play and a lot more spaces from other developers id rather hang out in, same for my friends list hence wouldnt miss them, if we were to list all the developers on home that develop spaces top to bottom where would they come on peoples list.
  10. Joanna

    Joanna Well-Known Member
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    Dec 24, 2010
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    Well I know you don't seem to like them very much. I have lots of friends who do! So we'll have to agree to disagree. I think they are pretty special apart from pricing.

    That's what makes the world go around. The beauty of Home is that one doesn't need to point the Navigator at spaces they don't enjoy. I've been having a ball at Neon Downtown and their rewards are awesome. I am also looking forward to the demon game and the chapels (chapel should be in NA this week given the wedding outfits are in the Blog).

    IREM was a major asset to Home. Granzella may have some growing pains but to date I've been personally pretty impressed with their content. They make nice public spaces, personal apartments and very nice mall content. One has to hope we'll see events from them as well.
  11. ReccaWolf

    ReccaWolf Well-Known Member

    Jan 16, 2011
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    Granzella is really pulling out all the stops and, for re-doing the rest of their buying content from before and adding newer content to buy, it's sort of making a huge "apology" for running Irem to the ground after the crisis.

    Granzella is really doing a fine job with their spaces and content at least.
  12. Joanna

    Joanna Well-Known Member
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    Dec 24, 2010
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    Well according to a comment on the Blog the Fossil and Chapel additions don't appear to be ready. One has to hope they are in fact coming. Sort of odd in my view they'd release the dress/clothing content before the spaces. These are available in Hong Kong if I'm not mistaken.

    Noon Downtown Coming From Granzella – Awesome!, Joanna, Jan 23, 2012, 11:28 PM,, png, Screen shot 2012-01-23 at 6.28.08 PM.png
  13. faga4567

    faga4567 Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2011
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    They did release stuff the same way in Japan also. Don't know why about the order, but can't really expect Granzella's preparedness.
  14. ReccaWolf

    ReccaWolf Well-Known Member

    Jan 16, 2011
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    I suddenly unlocked the "Let's Go!" title, and I didn't do anything except running around and collecting happy points. Seems to be time accumulative spent on the space.

    I also got the black dress (the last of the dresses and finally finished the 150K runs) and all the earrings and the cheaper junk last night.
  15. faga4567

    faga4567 Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2011
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  16. sam_reynolds01

    sam_reynolds01 Well-Known Member

    Apr 14, 2011
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  17. faga4567

    faga4567 Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2011
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    Here's the ending to the lounge made from Granzella. The writing gives an impression that it won't come back. Hope that's not the case.

  18. Joanna

    Joanna Well-Known Member
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    Dec 24, 2010
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    Well the announcement says' temporary doesn't it. At least that is what the translation implies from your first link. I love this lounge. I hope it is only temporary.

    "Downtown sting neon" For the lounge, requests were received from everyone, so that we can reflect the improvement, January 25 (Wed) to temporarily shut down after maintenance, will be resumed in the form of renewal thereafter Now that you have."
  19. faga4567

    faga4567 Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2011
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    It's a comment from Kujo. Probably he got too emotional and choose the wrong phrases. It's like saying "tell we meet again" to a dead person/thing/etc kind of comment, something similar to Irem.
  20. Joanna

    Joanna Well-Known Member
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    Dec 24, 2010
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    From twitter! It does say temporary.

    Thank you.Ganbarimasu! RT @ mikuhai: @bug fixesforkazuma_kujo, please work your luck as soon as possible so I wait for the resurrection is one of the temporary closure of the downtown area. W (^_^) resume please also consider developing more two more Banpitorotto
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