Well Update.. Still no emails from the moderators on reason for the ban or the duration... So I'm guessing Mohawk doesnt want a papertrail to my ban... Hope things are going more lively on the Sony Blogforum I'm trying to figure how to get my own little blog posted so I can return to sharing pictures in home, etc.
You can start a blog here, just go to http://www.yourplaystationhome.com/blog.php and start your own blog, its easy
Well still unable to post on US forums without errors, tryed in Firefox, IE7 & Opera. With IE7 & Opera i had never even logged in or viewed the forum before so do me the problem seem to be down to the coding and a database problem. Plus has its the same editer for pm's (what work) would also point to a database problem, going to guess its a sessions logging problem and thats why logging in and out sometimes clears it up, because that sould reset the sessions data in the database.
Now Carla.. dont speak ill of the Sony Forum/Blog-site.. Like Mohawktown and curiouscat said.. all the bugs have been fixed and its working faster than before LOL!!!
Seems my post count dropped by about 15 to 20 posts given I know it was over 11,100 and when I looked it was at around 11,084. Not really sure how many. I don't normally look at my post count but I did happen to notice that recently. Oddly enough I no longer see the thread started by Mercury Valentine and can't seem to find it in the list of discussions I participated in. Perhaps the powers at be didn't like the discussion there and deleted the entire thread? Odd. Luckily they don't appear to have been deleting any of my posts in The Ladies Fashion Runway. Seems we have a new regime that doesn't like dissent even though a large part of the community is having trouble even posting to the new forum. Somewhat strange they would delete the entire thread created by her. Perhaps I'm missing it but I don't have it bookmarked. Edit: I noticed this notice "currently being moderated" on just about every thread I looked at early this morning. At first I thought it was my posts but it didn't appear to be the case. Joanna
Well hun Aet and I proved with me proving it the hard way... Mohawktown is going nazi on threads deleting anything like you said that speaks ill of the forums or his 'mad skills'. The only thing that is going to fix it obviously is a mass exodus to forum(s) outside of Sony's regime control.. I was toying with the idea of hosting just a forum for HOME talk since gamer forums are all over the internet... but I'd need someone who can help install scripts, etc into the forum. sorry to hear Mohawk policy of delete and hide threads is expanding But like they said "SEIG HEIL!!" Ohhhh.. Chad has left multiple messages to the mods for me.. asking to please inform me why i was banned and the length, etc. 3 days now they have sent me nothing... Imagine that..
Wow, I had a lot to catch up with here... Where to start? @Stylish - I guess, first off, the head honchos at SCEA must have a screw loose if they think mohawktown can "control" the forums. He can't. That's not his job and he shouldn't even try. I know that he's been making efforts to frame the debate the way that the bosses at SCEA would want, and I've been putting spokes into those efforts, so he probably hates me by now. But the mods are there to make sure we adhere to the TOS. That's it. They can't control what we think, and they can't control what we post. If this is true (not doubting you, Stylish-SexyKitty) then it's pretty sad, because it means they're viewing this as merely a public relations problem. Yeah, that's gonna be real successful. @Carla, I also sent mohawktown a PM letting him know my concerns about encouraging people to mod the forums. I got no reply either. But it seems insane to me. Because the forums are broken, they go out and encourage people to use HTML and JavaScript, and allow the use of flash video, and I really have to worry if they've given any thought to what a malicious hacker could do with the sorry coding that Jive has given us for our platform? Also, if you could make a sig for me that would direct people to this website, like the one you use, I'd be happy to use it. @Joanna, I think I may have seen that same notice a few times today, but didn't think anything of it. I believe it simply means that the thread has been flagged for review. I don't know how that works, but given that you're a high profile poster it could even be automated. I'm sure you and I both are near the top of mohawktown's watch list. Finally, JoJo, I'd sure like to see your fashion thread here as well.
RE forum sign, check following thread: http://www.yourplaystationhome.com/showthread.php/1095-Get-Your-PS-Home-Forum-Signature
Well I did find the New Forum thread this morning where Mercury Valentine said users would not be banned for posting other region content and all the discussion posts appear to be there. I bookmarked it this time. I still don't know why my post count dropped. It's not a question of the count per se but which of my posts may have been deleted. That bothers me if they are deleting posts of mine. If they are I'd like to know which ones. Perhaps they are moving things around. Who knows. I do know the forum is dead. Very little activity. I did at one point get an email when the forum first opened that a post of mine had been removed. That was the only notification I received and it was in reference to some comments I made about the censoring and the fact that Glasswalls was probably responsible for the new policy.
You're doing much better than me. I've had *many* posts deleted, and have never received a notification. All of my requests for an explanation are ignored. Ok, now I get it. I just learned today that the ability to create polls has been restricted to MVPs. I just realized why. It's because of the user created poll I've been referencing that says 80% of PS.com users want us to go back to Lithium.
That seems silly, they really are trying to block out bad comments. But fact is theres only that many bad comments because the Jive forum is that bad.
Well based on my talk with Chad its a good chance my goodbye post in the Home section got me banned. I said flat out that mohawktown should not be holding the community to the 'community code of conduct' when he himself has openly violated it many times and still does. It does seem funny that the posts Kit Kat and I made in the new forum thread got deleted with no warning.. and now im totally not convinced JIVE admins killed them with root access. Still the facts remain that I was able to verify mohawk is the head moderator because I was told "Hes under alot of pressure from the higher-ups to make the forums work" And remember Aet I was originally in defense of giving them the benefit of the doubt about the post changes till that one poster openly shared the fact that a 'humor' post they made had been deleted. That was enough to make me contact my person in the mod team asking if mohawk killed 'our' posts and they were suddenly 'i dont know actually but i'll ask him when i see him next'. Their pause ws enough for me to even go 'ummm why are you so hesitant in that response'. Your info about the polls and the comments from Joanna seem to be more proof that they are actually resorting to Nazi-ism tactics to control whats on the forums now. I mean my forum access is dead... he killed it to the master account level. I've had a friend send multiple messages to them asking to forward an explanation to my email with Why and how long and they havent responded. All I can think is if they do send me a email why then it will generate an electronic trail that he cant realistically reason out. I mean I read all the community code of conduct for using sony sites. And since I didnt curse, demean the mods, etc... I can argue that my post was within my rights. Friday I used Sony's web based 'contact us' and wrote a report demanding his actions be reviewed by management for violation of the codes of conduct and that my rights have been violated by his refusal to send me a logial email stating why and how long. If they are going to use employee's who obviously dont know how to run a forum and prefer to godmode vs due process then yes they need to go to lithium again because they at least knew the job. Im still furious how mohawk deleted a post i made arguing curiouscats limited knowledge saying how '3 people pro to the site and 1 against the site' said it was flaming' and how its being deleted and a mark going on my profile. Then I point out that he is totally misreading the 1 sentence to delete 4 paragraphs.. he then admitted he didnt even read the entire post chain and was just goinjg off the reports to pass judgment.. I mean Wth NO VERBAL... no chance to explain my post... at least lithium gave you verbals.. hes going directly to ban level. Its obvious mohawks hardly a gamer and worse has no working knowledge of how forum chats go no matter how he originally introduced himself in new forum feedback as a 'shooter, pizza eating gamer'.
Well, I said from the beginning Mohawktown isn't a mod. I don't know what his position is, but he's obviously got much greater authority than the others. You can tell just by the way he speaks.
I was told by one of the other mods hes the lead hun.. Hes the one again "under alot of pressure to make the forums work". The mod i was in contact with didnt during our talks ever say the others held that direct responsibility only mohawk..which would make him the lead.. In the end I'm more sad than loosing my access to hear the HOME section is a ghost town.. Im predicting the next cycle of HCV will be slim to none as Conrad and Jers are the only ones to reapply ;p
No one is applying for HCV? Is that true? Hopefully all the people who have left PS.com have migrated to other boards, and haven't left PS Home altogether.
LOL I said "i'd be surprised if anyone does this next cycle" I think the next wave is Feb? Think about it they ONLY rely on the forums to get applicants.. Forums are dead to a near standstill... so look at the current post rate vs the old post rate. Can you see any 'veteran' home users applying or a bunch of people who just got their PS3's in the last few months. It's going to be interesting to see...
Those are really good points. The new Jive forums are going to make it very difficult for newbies to apply and be considered. Meanwhile, these new policies about not discussing the other homes are alienating the veterans, and if they keep pushing on that after the new year, it's going to really start upsetting people. It's possible the HCV program might have to be canceled. I could really see that happening.
Well i read on the EU forums.. there are some threads on the NA side.. of people leaving and still going ... Thats not to say how many did mohawk wave his power at and ban who stood against him. I was flattered when I got a few PM's on my PS3 saying I was considered a big part of the HOME NA forum... it meant alot to me But at the rate of leaving vs. Mohawks sales pitchs.. I give the forum a month before its at maybe 30-40% of its original posting rates. I remember most of the hard core gamer posters admitted that they can get better news now on their games at various other forums like IGN, etc... All the HOME users need is a massive central posting area referencing all the other areas online and the sony HOME section will be DOA. I mean right now since Mercury still doesnt appear to have 'officially' confirmed the no code / other content rule is offically recinded ... and with the new slurpee event happening soon... Can you see the punishments forth coming... if people post then a mod see's it and begins to mass ban... because of the policy.. which isnt 'officially' altered if at all yet. My goodbye post was proof enough that the moderators will edit the HOME section even though its supposed to be under the HOME teams control unless reports are issued, etc. Look towards the future hell thats approaching and get your helmets