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JP Japan Home Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by kwoman32, Jan 8, 2011.

  1. KCChad

    KCChad Trophy Junkie

    Dec 31, 2010
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    So...I'm guessing nothing in Japan today for Valentine's Day? I still have to try for the chocolates there today in case they made those available again, by the sounds of it I'm guessing not but might as well try :p
  2. ReccaWolf

    ReccaWolf Well-Known Member

    Jan 16, 2011
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    I trie going in there in Japan Home before going to work. Wore the chocolate heart shirt from last year's and met with some girl wearing the last year's maid outfit and two other guys with the same shirt on. Unfortunately, nothing worked for them. I kinda figured that, because for one thing, there was no event going on this week, and two, a PS Home white japanese text would've came up after loading up in Home Square.
  3. ReccaWolf

    ReccaWolf Well-Known Member

    Jan 16, 2011
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    Okay, here's a Wiki Google translation on how to upload the pictures in the upstairs picture gallery at the Music Cafe. IF SOMEONE KNOWS THE ROUGH TRANSLATION ON HOW TO DO THIS, PLEASE LET ME KNOW:

    February 10 (Thursday) from a snapshot gallery is named after the piece is wanted for Valentine's Day!
    "This year I want to be honest..." That would do to your back and gently press to warm body and soul-warming screenshot, please gently entry.

    How To Enter
    "PS Home" Photo entries will be uploaded on the screen shot thing.
    Entry from work, PS Home work management team made me nervous, February 10 (Thu) - February 24 (Thursday) will be posted in the gallery of snapshots.

    Tagging (required): Valentine's Day 2011

    Recruitment period: March 2 (Thu) - February 14 (Monday)
    Delivery Period: February 10 (Thu) - February 24 (Thursday)
    17 2 ※ (Thursday) will be replaced on the works.
    ※ The criteria for selection of the work "PS Home" Photo conform to the standards listed.
    With regard to the entry procedures posted ※ work is "How do I post a snapshot gallery of" please see.

    Locations, such as a costume, we look forward to a piece of your proud supplier of ideas.

    Posted snapshots from the photo that was posted in the previous week to week on Sunday PS Home will be elected management team.
    Snapshot Gallery you wish to post, the tag "Snapshot gallery" type posts please.
    Comment title and ID will be published online also.
    Upload Instructions
    1. PS3 ® on the Internet, open the My Page.
    2. "Photo" tab, select.
    3., "With photo" button is selected.
    4. "Browse" button to select the photo you want to upload.
    5. Titles, comments, and enter the tag "confirmation screen" button is selected.
    6. That what is correct (that is entered tags) to check the "Register" button to finish.

    PS Home Title and also comments on the contents of the management team and checks.

    If the content includes the following, please note that because it will put off posting a photo gallery.
    Real names and product names
    PS Home's title and character names are not covered in the games and animation
    Even using the asterisk represents ※, what is believed to be associated content can not be easily
    Quotes and popular song lyrics and publications existed.

    In addition, regarding the handling of features and screenshots of your photo, please check the following pages to fit well.

    What you need to keep in your camera.

    2F Home Cafe reopened as a gallery space!
    The gallery space of the glass, great open as if they were floating in the sky as if, PS Home Enjoy all the snapshots you posted to "Photo Gallery" snapshot and the other permanent display during the event only in the gallery we will make you do see a special exhibit.

    The exhibition has ※ time to time we'll Official PS Home.

    You also visit to enjoy the dance and music, you also have fun taking screenshots yourself, enjoy the cafe's new "gallery space," Please go and try all means to.
  4. faga4567

    faga4567 Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2011
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    Still need confirmation, but a friend that got today's Famitsu had info that the Macross F Concert will be on March 26. (Hope it's a mistake and it's Februrary...)
  5. Firefly

    Firefly Survivor of Sword Arts Online

    Nov 5, 2010
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    That would be odd since the new Macross Frontier move I heard opens on February 26 in JP....

    Hope you are right about Feb. But there still seems to be plenty of life in Home. There's quite possibly 4 more weeks of movies in the theater. And we know there may be two lounges that are planned to have an event.

    Man, I was really looking forward to a concert in a week...
  6. faga4567

    faga4567 Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2011
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  7. C.Birch

    C.Birch Site Owner
    Staff Member Administrator

    Mar 21, 2012
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    i like the look of the female outfits.
  8. Shaundi

    Shaundi Third Street Saints
    Valued Member

    Jan 16, 2011
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    Female outfits next week :D Now I really need some yen, and looks like to get the microphone and a macross poster you need to buy or rent macross from the ps store between february 16th and march 16th.

    I was shocked to see Japan get some lockwood content before other regions, these outfits look really nice :)
  9. Art_of_Ronin

    Art_of_Ronin Active Member

    Feb 17, 2011
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    Man, can't wait for the Macross concert. My guess Ranka and Cheryl's costume is free when attend the concert or have to be purchased? I wish it would be some cool laser light show happen that day! :D
  10. Shaundi

    Shaundi Third Street Saints
    Valued Member

    Jan 16, 2011
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    No Art, the macross outfits are available to buy next week, I do hope there's some reward from the concert though the concert doesn't need any rewards as I'm sure lots of people will be there regardless :)
  11. Art_of_Ronin

    Art_of_Ronin Active Member

    Feb 17, 2011
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    True true Rachel and may be if they given away a free mic just like Macross Frontier anime then that would be neat similarly like Hatsune Miku's concert with onion stick give away. :D
  12. Shaundi

    Shaundi Third Street Saints
    Valued Member

    Jan 16, 2011
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    Well I read googles translation of this page

    and it seems to state we have to download macross from the store to recieve the mic and poster, though it says movie guide so I'll check out for a free macross item in the store later that can hopefully be downloaded for the items.

    this is googles translation of the section mentioning the rewards:

    Benefits: HOMURIWADO "Mike Rinari Lanka endless," "Macross F Movie Koi wings fly away - 3 points Sayonaranotsubasa advertising posters" get that.
    Duration: February 16 - March 16,
    Condition: PS Store during TV series Macross F (Frontier) Macross Movie Guide or F ~ ~] Itsuwarinoutahime or renting one.

    How, during the TV series in the PS Store Macross F (Frontier) Macross Movie Guide or Itsuwarinoutahime F ~ ~ "to everyone that one of the rental, HOMURIWADO wonderful gift! The contents of the anxious present, which will be held in the hand of the avatar "Mike endless Rinari Lanka" and decorate a personal space "Macross F Movie Poster - Sayonaranotsubasa wing propaganda Koi fly away."
  13. Art_of_Ronin

    Art_of_Ronin Active Member

    Feb 17, 2011
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    Thank you for the translation notice. :)
  14. faga4567

    faga4567 Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2011
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    Probably I have to come in to clear some stuff.

    From the info that we have right now, there is no word on any rewards on the concert or other events. We will be getting more info at a later date for the events.

    The outfits and glowing sticks(?) are purchases and nothing seems to be free as we know so far.

    The poster and mic is given to those that rent "Macross F" related videos from the video store. This is similar to the Time of Eve rental done before. They will send you an mail through your PS3 with a link to the store to redeem at a later date (Around April). You need access to the video store which is IP restricted.

    Here is a link that has few more pictures than the official site. You will also see the poster and mic that you will get from the rental. Wanted a Sheryl poster...don't really like Ranka :p
    • Like Like x 1
    • Art_of_Ronin

      Art_of_Ronin Active Member

      Feb 17, 2011
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      Dang, so based on renting the Macross Frontier episode in JPN PSN store video section in order to receive the free poster and mic from email code. I just wish video rental is not region/IP based. I guess the only option is the two costumes and the glow stick for purchase. It would be cool if they do just one simple free give away for everyone attend the concert similarly like Hatsune Miku concert then am satisfy. ^^ But nonetheless really looking forward to the presentation of Macross Frontier concert in HOME! :)
    • Shaundi

      Shaundi Third Street Saints
      Valued Member

      Jan 16, 2011
      Likes Received:
      +44 /10
      Thank you Faga for clearing that up for us, I had kind of assumed that would be the case with the rewards, I'll probably get Sheryls outfit anyway as I prefer hers and the mic doesnt really go with hers :p
    • kwoman32

      kwoman32 Head Administrator
      Staff Member Administrator

      Nov 29, 2009
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      +263 /52
      According to poster I saw today in Japan Mall.....

      Saturday , March 26th - Macross Frontier Superlive Concert
      with Sheryl Nome & Ranka Lee
    • ReccaWolf

      ReccaWolf Well-Known Member

      Jan 16, 2011
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      Hey, Faga, I'm up for the mic and poster. If you want, I can swap my JP email and temp password with you again like we did for the Time of Eve sign a few months ago. I got 1200 yen left so that should be enough for a rental, right? Let me know via PM when you want to do it and I'll send the info and make a temp password for you. I know it won't take long. ;)
    • faga4567

      faga4567 Well-Known Member

      Jan 29, 2011
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      I just want to let people know:
      I will only take a limited number of people that wants the items of the promo. This is due to any problems that may perhaps happen and I don't want to spend "x" amount of times with customer support. So far these kind of promo haven't given any problems from what I know, but anything can happen. There are times that I needed to contact customer support about game DLC items missing/disappeared from the PS Store (non Home related), so no guarantee it goes smoothly with this either.

      Here's a few warnings:
      1. The video store is IP restricted. The game store and video store DL list are divided separate, so there is no chance of getting the video to you. Your paying only to get the Home items. You can confirm the purchase by email confirmation or transaction details from your account.
      2. To qualify for the items you just need to rent the video. Don't need to download or watch it. This was true with the previous "Time of Eve" promo, so I don't think it differs this time also.
      3. The video store doesn't seem to have any ads for this promo. The "Time of Eve" promo had one big one on the front page of the store, so I may want to wait a few days just to be sure the promo is running.
      4. The price for each regular(SD) episode is 200 yen. The movie is 600 yen(HD) or 450 yen(SD). I'll be choosing 1 regular one, so have at least 200 yen in your account.
      5. Before handing back your account, I will check if your account isn't activated with my PS3. (if it is, I'll deactivate it)

      One correction from my previous post: The items will be given on 3/22. Not April.

      (Edit) Added a few words just to make some stuff clear.
    • KCChad

      KCChad Trophy Junkie

      Dec 31, 2010
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      If you don't mind, Faga, I would like some help with this as well. If you already have too many people asking for them then don't worry about it, those are items I don't particularly need but would like if possible.
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