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US Home Tycoon Issues

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by avilesc, Oct 4, 2012.

  1. Jeff Psn

    Jeff Psn Gregarious loner

    Feb 15, 2012
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    +3 /0
    I really like Home Tycoon and have been playing with it on a few accounts.I had a blast the first day,trying to soak it all in and figure stuff out was very engrossing to me.I was mildly disappointed when I ran out of workers and realized to continue I had buy more workers.I mean,I was having a GREAT time and all of a sudden the message was if I wanted to continue having a great time I had to cough up.I get why people would be pissed about that but I needed to buy stuff anyways if I wanted to build My City so w/e.Then I learned the workers were buggy anyways(and who could blame them really,overworked first day on the job)and the regenerate time was changed to 5 minutes.That was appreciated for sure.Finding a briefcase with a discount for the Zoo,an item I wanted to buy,was a very cool surprise.Being able to buy money with coins but not coins with money is not cool.The Driving Bear companion could be bigger and where the heck is it's hat?My Bear is hatless.I love my little green Cilantro-VROOM VROOM Turbo Boost Baby!The trains may be offline now(probably the result of some Transutopian nut sabotaging the tracks)but when they are back this avatar is gonna do some sight seeing.Overall I'd say it's an ambitious addition to Home.How many public spaces are there now with Tycoon?Many many.
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