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E3 VIP code item list

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by Firefly, Jun 20, 2011.

  1. crow6828

    crow6828 i'm not crazy really

    Jan 5, 2011
    Likes Received:
    +0 /0
    ah yes the fish hats.... i am still shocked i got them. back them i never got on the forums or blogs so i got really lucky when i seen someone talk about them in home lol. you can really tell how long someone has been on home by the items in there inventory lol.
  2. Baron_Brain

    Baron_Brain Notorious Dis-Member
    Valued Member

    Jan 22, 2011
    Likes Received:
    +21 /1
    Or by some of the pre-public release beta items some of us lost and never got back… :plain:

    By the way, I saw someone do that male/female merge trick the other day with incredibly
    bizarre results — there was a very visible gap between all the individual body segments
    (at the neck, shoulders, wrists waist, ankles).

    Worse, the entire internal skeleton for the avatar's legs section became badly corrupted,
    as if it were made of jello. Constantly deformed, it would quiver & wobble and change
    shape while watching it. But the real action occurred whenever he walked or danced —
    the legs would shoot out at odd angles, bending & curving & snapping all over… so totally
    cool to see!

    I did get some pictures… I put up a couple shots later on. (Unfortunately I wasn't able to get
    any shots during the full-blown distortion effect, but you still see enough oddities…)
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