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Be a playstation home superheroe!!!

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by EDTHRAWN, Feb 25, 2011.

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  1. strider367

    strider367 Active Member

    Nov 13, 2010
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    Fire in a way we already have that. You can mute the offender. Oh he'll dance around for a bit. But usually they realize they are muted or eventually get bored and move on. Still the best course of action is report and leave...

    Take note here Fire I wasn't criticizing his character. It was his motives I was pointing out here. Theres a real difference with that. With his subsequent remarks proves my point completely. When he started attacking my character by calling me the perv and a bully. This is a guy who looking for any excuse to start a fight with anyone in Home. With this thread he was trying to make himself look legitimate. We already have too many people in Home doing that already...


    EDTHRAWN Member

    Feb 10, 2011
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    Sorry Strider367... But have you ever read ou heard something about a french guy named VOLTAIRE? Well, he has a very interesting quote that says: "I MAY NOT AGREE WITH WHAT YOU SAY BUT I WILL DEFEND TO THE DEATH YOUR RIGHT TO SAY IT". Can you understand it? I think not...
  3. Aeternitas33

    Aeternitas33 Riskbreaker

    Dec 24, 2010
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    Firefly, I don't suppose you noticed this little gem?

    The OP didn't make this post on the official forums, he made it here. And I fail to see what burying our heads in the sand would accomplish, especially when a mod is hardly needed for clear cut violations of the TOS. Nowhere in the TOS is it stated that you have to wear a superhero costume to file a report. Nowhere in the TOS is it stated that you have to be friends with EDTHRAWN to make a report. And I guarantee you that no one employed by SCEA gave the OP permission to run around Home impersonating a Mod (i.e., pretending to be a crime fighter).

    Someone who actually thinks there's such a thing as the "PlayStation Home Rules & Procedures" has no business trying to tell others how to behave in Home. This is why impersonating a mod is against the TOS, because it simply makes Sony look bad - really bad. Before making my earlier post, I had just come from the official forums where I had reported someone for impersonating an HCV Vet. Then before that it was Mr. Home Cop. Then before that... you get the point.

    And you can see from the OP's latest post how sincere he was when he stated he would take everyone's advice into consideration.

    EDTHRAWN, immediately after posting this, I'll be messaging several of the PlayStation Home mods. I know you've already stated that you don't care if you get banned, so I'm sure this warning is falling on deaf ears, but I happen to care about the reputation of NA Home, and things like this will only make it worse than it already is.
  4. strider367

    strider367 Active Member

    Nov 13, 2010
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    Very good here's another from Voltaire: "A witty saying proves nothing".

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