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Anyone disappointed in home?

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by Keyeszx, Jul 15, 2011.

  1. gary160974

    gary160974 I adore Uzi08

    Oct 27, 2010
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    I agree but it is what it has become when I started on home it had 4 core areas only, so apart from the square the shopping centre the cinema and bowling there was nothing, then the first zones appeared all free activitys like xi and red bull air race etc basically you had to chat, but unfortunately after that lts see how far we can push it and it aint stopped yet. Everything is geared up for treasure hunting and buying now there is no social aspect I can talk on home or talk on a game no difference. Every home forum site is the same though with item databases and what you can buy this week plastered all over it. Its because its what the bulk of home users want is treasure hunts and virtual stuff to buy. just look on here and see the amount of posts relating to social aspects and interests then look for posts on what to buy and what to win. sad but a fact Sony is more in touch with what people want than we care to admit .
  2. VampireWicked

    VampireWicked No Cry Baby Cockroaches

    Nov 14, 2010
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    People are to blinded unwilling or just don't care to see how ridiculously Sony will milk them for every dime they're willing to give for the unreasonable. You can bring it to they're attention but in the end they have to realize it for themselves.

    PSN isn't going to change anytime soon & it maybe awhile before people see that the money they spend on PSN products may not always be justified. Don't waste your PSN life trying to convince others because all you can do is hope they'll see on they're own, enjoy your time on PSN it won't around forever.
  3. Baron_Brain

    Baron_Brain Notorious Dis-Member
    Valued Member

    Jan 22, 2011
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    Well said VampireWicked… and everyone else.

    I've been saying these exact same things for many months now… everything is geared towards pushing users to buy as much stuff as possible each week, while the real innovation has been consistently worsening since 2009.

    Sony is purportedly making quite a bit off of virtual sales each week, yet they are not putting enough development funds back into Home to make it truly thrive. Unless I'm mistaken, we are still lacking a proper staff/management team for NA — one which has a realistic view of what is occurring in this region on a week-to-week basis. Every region needs its own staff that can follow trends, see to user needs, address problem areas, come up with appropriate special event content throughout the year
    [SUP]1[/SUP], and so forth… and have sufficient power to do what they deem necessary and/or appropriate for that region.

    Here in NA, the only two staff members we appear to have are GlassWalls and LocustStar, who hardly seem to have much of anything to do aside from putting their names on the "Message of the Day" and instructing us on all the things we have to buy "right now!"

    In any event, I'm glad to see some good participation and input from everyone here, and I must say it's certainly better than being ignored, insulted, or repeatedly told "tough, get used to it" … which I'm sad to say have comprised the majority of responses I've received when I've tried to broach this subject.

    Just because a truth is inconvenient doesn't mean it's not also relevant.

    [SUP]1[/SUP] They need only look towards Japan to see how to properly do "special event content", such as:

    • Events which build up excitement in the user community;
    • Group-participation event (like the current Macross event, or the Fireworks event), where everyone can get involved together;
    • The events actually need to work (every single NA event has failed in some manner);
    • The events shouldn't look or play like poor glorified "flash" games (the NA trend); and,
    • Ensure that development funds go where they are needed the most, into the event itself, rather than wasting it on a series of expensive outsourced trailers (sure, the trailers are great… but the actual events generally pale in comparison).
  4. C.Birch

    C.Birch Site Owner
    Staff Member Administrator

    Mar 21, 2012
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    That's still more of a team than EU have, what is no one in the public view and some mod 'covering' the roll.
  5. gary160974

    gary160974 I adore Uzi08

    Oct 27, 2010
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    Who needs more staff all I need is the same ability I have on another social application which is to set up a public chatroom which allows ten people in I choose the music and the theme, enter some tags in and the public search find the room that suits them. I moderate the room perhaps with a friend as well, all they would need is to adjust the apartments setting so you could open your apartment to friends no one or public and have internet radio function. Could get the social aspect of home back. The club function is close but needs more houses really than the scout hut.
  6. C.Birch

    C.Birch Site Owner
    Staff Member Administrator

    Mar 21, 2012
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    legally internet radio is a big task to add to home, you got broadcasting rights and laws to deal with. Loyites to arts and record company's to pay, god knows how many contracts that would need to be set up and added server support.
  7. gary160974

    gary160974 I adore Uzi08

    Oct 27, 2010
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    other social sites do it and Sony has a head start with its own music company but even if there was the London radio scenario of using unsigned artists but sorted by genre or even genre specific generic music as per musicality but with more choice, it would be better than we got. Imagine a musicality apartment playing just rock music by unsigned artists open to the anyone up to ten people who by the tags spoke a specific language liked the same interests as yourself.
  8. TattooedEnigma

    Jul 17, 2011
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    My main thing on Home that I don't know anyone xD

    I bought so much stuff in the little time I had, like my Hills Home, but no one to show it off to.

    I did read in a previous post about players that abuse the Home privilege and think that a fee to access wouldn't hurt. My first time I got on home someone asked me to be their Girlfriend and then followed me around the Dance Dance Revolution dance floor spamming me. (I didn't know how to block them yet so I was to their mercy till they stopped and left).
  9. JamesBR27

    JamesBR27 Active Member

    Dec 1, 2010
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    I want to thank Iced-Tea-Bagger for letting me know about the Conspiracy's Tutorial 2 reward that was missing, but is not missing anymore.
  10. VampireWicked

    VampireWicked No Cry Baby Cockroaches

    Nov 14, 2010
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    You can block PMs by selecting them to ignore just like blocking that person from talking to u. However you CAN'T as far as i know block game invites So people can spam others with that.
    As for the fee to access PSHome, i'm sorry but i wouldn't pay it.
    1. People are already being ask to pay ridiculous item prices
    2. We have surprise connection interruptions
    3. Areas on PSHome that has very bad lagging issues since they've been added still hasn't been fix to this day.
  11. VampireWicked

    VampireWicked No Cry Baby Cockroaches

    Nov 14, 2010
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    Access fee for PSHome, I'll gladly leave.

    If Sony started charging for PSHome access, many of my friends said they'll go as well. PSHome would be forgotten about by me & wouldn't be missed.

    The music on PSHome thing, I don't see how Sony can't add radio to PSHome personal areas or certain public places. They've added a completely functioning internet radio to the PSP & the PSP Vita i'm sure has that feature, so why not add internet radio to PSHome.
    PSP internet radio has list of internet radio stations a mile long.
    Heavy metal
    And so on, i don't see why they can't be added to the PSHome radio that's available on home.
    Anyone disappointed in home?, Jul 15, 2011, 3:08 AM,, 3485
  12. Baron_Brain

    Baron_Brain Notorious Dis-Member
    Valued Member

    Jan 22, 2011
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    I know you're far more familiar with the inner workings of the EU region than I am C.B., so many thanks for clearing that up. I obviously knew things weren't so hot over there either, but I no idea it was that bad. (No wonder they try to discourage all Report submissions by automatically threatening to ban both the user guilty of a violation and the user who submitted the report — guess they feel it's easier than actually having salaried staff on hand to oversee this.)

    I'd always been told that EU actually had a small team management & dev hidden behind-the-scenes doing what they should be doing, along with that certain mod doing what little the mods do. I think his last day was the same day I filed that Aurora Level 99 hack report with nDreams (which reminds me, I should check in and see if there's any additional news on that…).

    But the EU info is a bit disheartening to hear. Guess that leaves Japan as the only region that's got things somewhat together, and still attempts innovation within Home to any degree these days…

    Just make me wonder more and more who's the one actually making the decisions of what needs to be done within Home per region, and if far more things are being outsourced than I ever imagined.

    C.B. is 100% correct with regard to what he said about internet radio. Sure, the addition of internet radio or public chatrooms would be great, but it's just too simplistic to think that will even remotely fix what ails Home (no offense intended, it's a well-intentioned idea).

    Gary, it doesn't matter what other social applications have — that has absolutely no bearing on the implementation of such features within Home. This is a completely different platform, with a very different social application, and it has totally different licensing requirements.

    Going through and examining the contracts for each of the tens of thousands of individual artists & their material would be a gargantuan task of nightmarish proportion. On top of that, every country/territory around the globe has their own set of agreements, rules & regulations that must be adhered to. It would take quite a bit of time to sort these things out, negotiate and/or renegotiate contracts, etc.

    Another major hurdle is the fact that the music would obviously be listened to by larger gatherings of people/friends in their apartments, clubhouses, etc. — this now falls under commercial usage of the music, which is another matter entirely (and on which is forbidden by most existing contracts). This isn't just a single individual listening to a song on their laptop or PSP in the privacy of their own home.

    As you can see, there's far more involved that just adding it onto Home and letting it rip. Without the staff, how is this going to get approved and budgeted… who's going to work through all the legal hurdles… who's going to ensure it all stays properly updated and keep working?

    We're still far away from creation without instrumentalities… so none of this is going to magically appear all on its own accord.

    Home needs a truly decided staff in order to thrive and grow, rather than relying on useless MODs or some faceless hands-off corporate managers & accountants.
  13. gary160974

    gary160974 I adore Uzi08

    Oct 27, 2010
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    It needs something and something quick because people are leaving and the numbers are only inflated by how many accounts people have ( ive heard of people having 6 working accounts bet there people out there with more, plus the accounts that these idiots set up to spam, when you block them they set up another account to message you again) and not how many people use home, well over a quarter of my friends list have decided to stay away from home. and I cant give them a reason to come back. cant say games because proper games are far superior and when you work it out probably not a lot more expensive if you dont buy them when they first come out . cant say social because theres nothing social about playing go fish or being chatted up by a bloke dressed as a woman saying do you wanna cyber. Other social apps rely only on public chat rooms run by the user playing streamed music you get a freak hes booted and cant come back there for 20 minutes. If they charge a fee, the rest of my friends will do a runner as well unless they do something well drastic before, because there is nothing on home except treasure hunts and people trying to obtain your cash. Ive always been on home since they sent me the redeem code to download it and always stuck up for it but this is the worse ive seen it.
  14. VampireWicked

    VampireWicked No Cry Baby Cockroaches

    Nov 14, 2010
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    The best video games the best movies the best songs, you can only play them see them or listen to so much before they become tiresome.

    I have friends that's migrated from PShome to DC universe or Free Realms, they still wanted a virtual world but wanted change more. I & many others was looking forward to the remaking of parts of PShome, remember those concept drawings ?
    Anyone disappointed in home?, Jul 15, 2011, 3:08 AM,, 3485
    Maybe they'll get around to bring it about but by the time it becomes reality everyone could be fed up.
    They better do something to make PShome more appealing because i've already found my virtual world replacements.
    Anyone disappointed in home?, Jul 15, 2011, 3:08 AM,, 3485
    Anyone disappointed in home?, Jul 15, 2011, 3:08 AM,, 3485
  15. JamesBR27

    JamesBR27 Active Member

    Dec 1, 2010
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    Another disappointing glitch i've found in the US PS Home was with the AK-47 mounting minigame at the SOCOM spaces, the one where we have to find seven parts of the gun in both SOCOM spaces and mount them together to earn a gold AK-47 reward.
  16. VampireWicked

    VampireWicked No Cry Baby Cockroaches

    Nov 14, 2010
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    Mui mui ship, since day 1 has been lagging & whomever has gotten around to fixing it.
  17. gary160974

    gary160974 I adore Uzi08

    Oct 27, 2010
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    Just a few things below they could sort before they try n take more of my hard earnt
    added to the mui mui ship lag issue mentioned by vampire thats 14 places that are disappointing because of issues

    UFC Octagon - Server Issue
    Mos Eisley Cantina - Whats coming soon
    Hudson Gate - Freezing issue
    Japanese Apartment - planning issue ceuiling height
    Espace tropical - water in spa area makes you bald lol
    Pharaoh’s Tomb - planning issue to look at scenery you have to go left or right as central plaza message is in centre
    Luxury Race Box - sound and cars miss matched
    Loco Island - same problem according to sign for over a year
    Warhawk Apartment - game crashes too often
    Waterfall Terrace - apartment completely messed up furniture disappearing game not working
    Basic Clubhouse - furniture disappearing
    The London Pub - radio not working
    Private PlayStation Plus Club - never been updated menus still say November last year

    This list are places that just disappoint because they are disappointing

    The Studio
    Irem Market
    Eden – Primarch’s Vigilarium
    PixelJunk Shooter Mother Ship Hangar
    Gathering Place for Spelunkers
    The Nether Institute, Evil Academy
    S.I.N.’s Secret Base from Street Fighter IV
    Namco Theatre
    Far Cry 2: Reuben’s Office
    Far Cry 2: Train Station
    Hot Shots Golf
    Red Bull Illume
    PixelJunk Exhibition
    Uncharted: Sully’s Bar
  18. JamesBR27

    JamesBR27 Active Member

    Dec 1, 2010
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    I've noticed a glitch at the UFC Octagon where sometimes when i finish a game, i get no experience at all, and it's pretty frustrating to be pressing the directional buttons following the prompts just to make 300 points and get no experience when the the game ends.
  19. JamesBR27

    JamesBR27 Active Member

    Dec 1, 2010
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    Im very sorry for this double post but I must stress my disappointment with the Alien Casino delay.

    WTH was that about it beeing a part of the Welcome Back program that was supposed to launch until the end of june?
    The Welcome Back program ended at the beginning of july and still no Ooblags Alien Casino on PS Home.
    Scribble Shooter will launch this thursday July 21st and im pretty sure the Casino will not.
    I guess this delay is just because the Casino will be totally FREE to play and will even reward an arcade game just for visiting it, if it will do eventualy, i just don't know anymore.
  20. JamesBR27

    JamesBR27 Active Member

    Dec 1, 2010
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    Last week of July now and still no explanation about the absurd delay of the Alien Casino.
    New personal spaces, public spaces, items and a lot of articles regarding PS Home went through between a month and still no Alien Casino...
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