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City by the Bay Loft “Window to the World”

Average User Rating:
  1. kwoman32
    "City by the Bay Loft"
    Pros - 72 decent rewards! Great value for the price! Four floors and a garden you can configure many ways with some of the rewards. Features: Time of Day Change; Rain; Sprinklers; Music; Lighting Levels; Change Curtains; Change Carpet; Change Wallpaper and Change Stairway Lighting. Even arrive to the space by San Fransisco Cable Car!
    Cons - NONE
    This is a serious candidate for PlayStation Home's best space ever. Don't pass this one by. Better than spaces that cost twice as much! Granzella has set the bar.
    1. Skye
      "Cityby the Bay Loft"
      Pros - Tons of rewards plus amazing features.
      Cons - None that I know of
      I love the space. Can't wait to buy it
      1. Adrian
        "Good thing"
        Pros - City views. Set in a realistic landscape.
        Tram ride :)
        setting the lighting & time of day.
        Traffic moves around outside.
        Cons - Too big, 100 slots only goes so far.
        Nice artwork, innovative settings, an apartmentwith a bit of , but then with scope to adapt the apartment to add your own personality.
        1. Mei_Mei_Wu
          Pros - The rewards are amazing and great to use in different spaces;
          Its mega Huge;
          Love the interactive environment so realistic;
          Great open spaces to make your own style.
          Cons - Its to huge for 100 slots;
          To bad the curtains are only for sale in City by the bay: Paris (lucky me I live there)
          Its a long way down when your at the top floor.
          Everything of this space is amazing but it screams for more slots. And a elevator :p its really is a long way down, and NO the Sodium pad is not a solution. Its using way to many slots. I am still making my plan for decorating this space before I buy it. ^_^

          My idea's to recreate more slots ( I hope Granzella will read this)
          - How about making the rewards furniture slot free for this space. If you want to place it else where than it will be 1 slot.
          - Or bring out a option to buy more slots like 0,10 ct for 10slots.
          - I know something else make it possible to have each floor his own amount of slots.