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  1. C.Birch
    "Just Great!"
    Pros - Well Designed and just packed full of Features and Rewards.
    Cons - Once pets are fully grown you no longer have to worry about them, support for heath so you have to keep feeding would have been great.
    This space is just jam packed with features, plus you can craft your own items from a select list of items and place them within your space without even using any of your 100 item slots.

    Top this off you got mini games, Day & Night, Music, Rewards and a over all very well designed space!
    oDd GiR£ likes this.
    1. oDd GiR£
      "Awesome, beautiful,addictive"
      Pros - This space is jam packed with rewards and has lots of things to do to keep a virtual farmer busy.
      Cons - Would love to see if my animals are happy w/o entering the feed table. Also would love the option to convert the adjacent meadows into additional planting space when desired and reverted back when not wanted.
      This is one of the only times in ones life when it's a good thing to say, "I bought the farm" lol ! I am usualy not one to spend a lot of time in one space unless I'm decorating it but this place is so beautiful. I can and have spent an entire day on my farm. It has a fairy tale land quality to it.
      The music scores you can choose lend to that mystical quality. You can also change the time of day (morning, noon and night). Earning gold coins from harvesting crops, sales from farm animals and wood chopping is addictive.
      The furniture rewards are numerous and they don't use any of your 100 decorating slots. Also, it's a great feature to be able to gift these items to friends. I give guests to my farm a furniture item when they chop a good pile of wood for me :)
      I recommend anyone who buys the farm to purchase the upgraded axe and watering can. The axe doubles your wood chop quantity per swing. The watering can speeds up crop growth rate by 25%. The upgraded animal feeder I haven't purchased yet but I plan to. The crops you water only once per planting so the maintenance isn't crazy. Overall, it's a hit!
      C.Birch likes this.