Separate names with a comma.
Interested in meeting a fantastic group of people and getting all the latest on PS4 Social worlds?
Seems like it's going to be a quite week, so I should be able to crack on with arkham city XD.The Halloween stuff is looking great and more if...
Chad you may want to add these 3 rewards to the OP.
That's pretty cool, shame we won't see it over here in eu though.
Thanks Carla, for all the hard work restoring the site. XD
That's a shame.
Teaser trailer think my secret is out, im a :nerd:, ;D
Seems that you need an online pass for arkham city, in order to play the catwoman sections of the game. Batman online pass unlocks Catwoman News -...
Launch trailer forward to this next week XD
same here, mind you I've not managed to get my score that high yet. Well, suppose not all of us can be superhuman, like you Chad. :p
it should still bring up the message box automatically but you don't actually have to send it. I found it out the hard way just the other day, I...
Its not messed up, you don't actually have to send the message, for them to receive the gift. That's just there to notify the person you are gifting.
I noticed on the start up screens drake shooting down a helicopter, that will probably be on wave 3 and I'm betting it will give the companion...
Thanks carla XDI'm hoping the adjustments work. Whilst deleting the cache is a handy feature, I've used it so much the last couple of weeks, it...
That's a shame, I was hoping they were going to stick around for a while like Audi in eu.
good tip Dan, thanks! XD
Ok seems I was wrong about the problems :( Can play in NA but it doesn't record stat so I can't unlock the challenges.
No problems so far Chad, got the rewards straight away. Just about to start on them in HK XD
This is a great game, I hope this one can stay on a more permanent basis.The second page of the instruction states that there will be a...
The SPAS-12 wall hanging is rewarded for completing wave 1AK-47 assault rifle (hand item) rewarded for completing the bounty hunter challenge -...
Nice set of reward coming my way ;DI really like these TGI promotions, they've been great so far and I hope we will be getting more in the future.