Separate names with a comma.
Interested in meeting a fantastic group of people and getting all the latest on PS4 Social worlds?
Odd, they should've released it this week oh well
IREM employees formed Grandzella sso hope for some IREM. Memories there :)
Thnx for the hot tub :D
Np :)
Thnx to all ppl who made this site possible ^_^
Yes get them now, thief only available today
I didn't get it :( I'l keep checking
Is the aurora-collect-o-rama still avaiabile?
your look EU, US Llsot osme of its greatest spaces
If anyone here has been on since 2009, you might remember the good times you had at these spaces, playing Reaper Shock at the inFamous space,...
HeavensLightfire North America Chat Lines:Your a gift from heaven, so angelic ^_^When i gaze into your eyes, i see you staring back at meI...
i dont hate you, im not on ps3 right now, thats all :)
thanks, it finally loaded up, took about 1 hour,
An hour ago i clicked clear cache and it is still clearing the cache, will i lose any spaces i have in favorites? di i lose my furniture layouts...
I will miss these spaces :(
I'd be mad if they put a fee on home, HOME has gotten worse with every new update since HOME was redesigned, i mean the Navigator XMB screen is so...
So when i played the Yeti's vs. Hunters space i reliezied, hey, THIS IS CENTRAL PLAZA :shocking::shocking::shocking:. The sounds and benches were...
They got everything right :D, more events will probably use the central plaza design
When I went to check out the new Hunters vs. Yetis space, I instantly reconigzed it as Central Plaza, even the sound, benches, and Dance Floor...