Separate names with a comma.
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Psssst... Japan PSN store is back, go get your welcome back stuff :)
I just did that a few minutes before I came here :p To be honest I haven't used any of the stuff I got from the 1st 30 days, then again I did...
I'd give some tips but I guess I got lucky most of the time with my casting, only tip I can give is tilt back and wait for the line to start going...
Ok. Great news here, this is HUGE!! from July 1- July 4 in celebration of Canada day and US Independence Day, you will be able to gain... double?...
Go to another space and then back to the game, that worked for me everytime the rewarded items weren't showing up.
Yes, for the Marlin (swordfish) you have to change the date to when there will be a full moon (next day been July 15th)
That doesn't matter at all DCS it will read the time off your own PS3s clock, so Which region/ area makes no difference, it's only the time on...
Hopper the time is based on your PS3 time, just change that to the times at which they appear, seems some do appear at several different times...
Ok caught the Piranha around noon, catfish seems to appear around 1pm but I've yet to catch it.
Download the Uncharted 3 Beta and receive the exclusive UNCHARTED 3 PSN Beta Tester Avatar! Complete 10 matches in every Gametype of Competitive...
I can confirm as of now the Premium Tesla goggles do not unlock, and I've been informed by a few people that the other newer rewards for leveling...
Uhm... sounds like the beta is going well so far...? Maybe it's my fault, anything I play breaks :p
@Naughty_DogNaughty DogAlso, if you're not able to connect, stuck on "Connecting..." or "Error intializing session mgr" - we're aware & getting...
@Naughty_DogNaughty DogQuick update - we saw some issues with Plunder. We've issued an update to TEMP remove Plunder and replace with Free for...
Now live in EU as well :)
Beta is now live for Plus in NA store :)
I'm confused... naughty dog posted a listing saying when the beta would be live in each time zone, basically around 12 hours from now, so odd it's...
Slight update on this100 Welcome Back Items (are going away!) | PlayStation® Community ForumsWe are holding the 100 free Welcome Back items...
As much as I'd love these to be true, they do seem to both describe the spaces currently available (In the case of Uncharted, no longer available)...
Sounds awesome, and link here for the resistance 3 home mention PlayStation Games - Resistance 3