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Get a look at the Mass Effect 3 makeovers[IMG] Mass Effect 3?s character models have had some time in the sunbed and come out looking all new...
The Secret World of Savage Coast Video:Funcom's upcoming RPG The Secret World shows off again in this...
Global Agenda free-to-play ? ?more users, revenue than everAnother free-to-play success story: the userbase of Hi-Res Studios MMO Global...
New ICO Collection trailers are a treat Two new promos for this fall?s ICO Collection have surfaced....
New Vegas DLC gets new shots; massive patch due, too[IMG] Bethesda?s detailed the the next title update all the PC, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3...
Sega, EA ink Japan deal[IMG][IMG] Sega and EA have inked a deal that sees the former distributing the latter?s packaged games in the Japanese...
Catherine demo hits PS3, 360 on July 12[IMG] Atlus USA have just posted on Twitter that a demo for...
PS Store redesign coming ? rumorPlayStation Store is in for a facelift, rumor has it.According to Reg Hardware, Sony is redesigning the...
I would so like a simple Onslaught mode, Not onslaught vs Ai vs other players Not onslaught vs other players vs Ai with mixed objectives. A simple...
Reminder: Uncharted 3 beta goes public[IMG]The Uncharted 3: Drake?s Fortunemultiplayer beta enters a new phase today; it?s no longer a closed...
BioWare and DICE, ?knowledge sharing and asset sharing?While the high definition era we?re living in at the moment should by no means go shunned...
Portal 2?s soundtrack gets bigger, still free[img] During the final days of May this year, Valve released the first notes of Portal 2?s...
Gears 3 non-final code leaked, investigation on-going[img] A development version of Gears of War 3was leaked onto torrent sites a few days ago,...
Video:Mortal Kombat's Compatibility Pack 2 ? due to be released tomorrow Video:Mortal Kombat's...
[img] Thanks for the info, i love the Uncharted3 beta i played yesterday tried survival & it ran very smoothly. Like in Uncharted2 i don't like...
Thanks for the info, i love the Uncharted3 beta i played yesterday tried survival & it ran very smoothly. Like in Uncharted2 i don't like the...
I'll go back & try later lol. The HCV (Ick) on my list didn't like the Uncharted3 beta lol
Kinect-like PlayStation 4 in 2012 ? reportAccording to Taiwanese component makers, who?ve chatted with Digitimes (via), Sony?s next home console...
Thanks i was just there lol. I didn't try 1. because there's alot of people playing & 2. i hate having to download each section of the u.k mall...
Today's the day where you sit back watch your neighbors think about how many beers it takes to hold a cherry bomb in their hand on the count of a...