Separate names with a comma.
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It's too bad we can't get those sweet prizes since we're not from around Hong Kong. :p
I've been to the locations for the Prairie space, where you get the chairs and shirts, but it's not unlocking at all. :p
Oh boy, midnight for me then. X_X
Great, I bet my Peakvox Ninja daily bonus will be reduced to 1 in Japan Home by then.:mad:
Well, it sure beats having corrupted saves on your HDD and messing up the Home scripts. Not to mention each HDD loading process on each space.
So, does that mean our USB save data sticks would be useless then for Home related saves?
Midnight in Japan would be 10am EST, as of now.
Some great news about Riora's site about Shoei. I was looking at the statues for January, figuring if someone had gotten the statues or not, but...
PSN: ReccaWolf, Region: NA Nothing beats a bit of "firepower" in Continuum. ;) [IMG]
New event in Chatting Farm for New Years this update, plus 5 more added quests. New event wants you to make 4 red flower plants and 4 white...
Create an account with a different region than United States. Just make sure when putting an address and zip code, it's legit. Also, write down...
Does anyone have a video of Home Square New Years event in Japan?
Completed my 2013 hagoitas yesterday, and also purchased the dream beds in that region. BTW, did anyone receive a PS Vita code of PS Vita Home...
Oh, we do region hopping but Japan Home has New Years events in some spaces, which means more NYD related rewards.
It should be coming on Jan. 9th, I would think. I wonder what colored patterned shirts for the snake will they have this year. Also, the Chinese...
Excellent news! I'll have to region buy some cash for my accounts for the beds then. ;) Is there any word on Shoei Kingdom about the reset, the...
No, you can use free tickets to get ingredients from games, but not for buying ingredients with it. I never tried it. You need to have a high...
I wonder if Peakvox Labs would do the same for V-Day and White Day coming up for L Project. At least, it'll keep most of us busy for an axe or any...
I just got the eggplant doll today when I was sleeping! Woo-hoo! Owners can finally get this now! ^^ New monthly GAW fishing reward objective:...
Today is the second day for the second hagoita. If you didn't get yesterday's hagoita, I'm sorry but you're too late. :(