Separate names with a comma.
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Darn, I hate reporting negative stuff. Wanted some good news, but oh well...Irem has decided to not take any graduates for it's game division...
This is all speculation, but Japan server won't start until the government gives the green light.In gPlayStation NetworkháŠQ‚ÉŠÖ‚·‚éÅVî•ñ |...
I was hesitant to write this, but Irem's online web store is closing this month. Could be a business restructure, but it doesn't look like a good...
Happy Birthday!!! (∩´∀`)∩
Ebay listing usually cost 10 to 20% more because the owner needs to pay the extra expense for the listing and paypal fees.Forgot which region,...
If that person only used his credit card for PSN and never used it elsewhere, then we can say it was from the hacking, but most probably it's from...
Microsoft hasn't been really good with handling companies that they buy. They usually shop for reputably good to above average products and...
You can try the JP wiki site. PlayStation Home@Wiki - I haven't checked the list, but it may be incomplete, especially the description on how to...
The person that wrote that is no way Japanese and probably Chinese and only read the "再開" part which means "to open".
Do you have the golden maneki neko? If you have it, then displayed in your room and it will give you an extra percentage.I was bored...and...
If you have a particular item, you can additionally earn a random percentage of cat currency to it. The random percentage goes from 1(?) to 100%,...
I don't have an answer to the extension of the premium. I did make a tweet to the president of Bexide (creators of Toro station) and hope to get...
The Youtube videos is the Sony press that they did on 5/1/11. The info given is basically given on the US/EU blogs and the Q/A at the end of the...
PSN is not up in Japan yet. There have been no evidence of running. The person that wrote the article probably got one person's BS lie and...
I could be wrong on this, but I believe you can log in to as many as you want. But if you want to use the DL contents on that account, it will...
I may have found the broadcast link to Sony's press.‚µ‚΂ç‚*‚¨‘Ò‚¿‰º‚³‚¢B
Internet surveys are a joke. Unless they track by IP address or something, anyone could make a macro or automatic voter that can skew the results.