Separate names with a comma.
Interested in meeting a fantastic group of people and getting all the latest on PS4 Social worlds?
Don't take my word on this, but from reading the tweets from the former employee of Irem, it seems that Irem will not be putting strength in it's...
It seems to be just participation of any of the concert, but I'm not 100% on it until it can be confirmed. It does state that there is no reward...
Re-run starting for Macross F on the 30th.PlayStation®Home ƒIƒtƒBƒVƒƒƒ‹ƒTƒCƒgEpisodes 1 and 2 (June 30 - July 7) Episodes 3 and 4 (July 7 -...
Finally we're going to get the Macross event. Still a month ahead though.
Is that true? I never seen that hat anywhere in Japan home.
It use to be (in Japan time)Sun 9:00~ Smile Mon 9:00~ Cool Tues 9:00~ Happy Wed 9:00~ Smile Thurs 9:00~ Cool Fri 9:00~ Happy Sat 9:00~ Happy
I can help out when I'm available. I'm not sure how the rotation is right now. Last time I checked it seemed to have shifted 1 day since the blackout.
The Penthouse chair and lamp doesn't seem to exist, so it doesn't show in storage.For those that are interested, here's the price list....
Although technology in Japan is great, the government on the other hand are a bunch of losers that don't really know how to run a country. They...
Granzella is a new game company made by former Irem employees. The name comes from the city/organization name used in the game "R-Type Tactics (or...
Yeah, I like to get a decent bed item. Don't know why they haven't released any except the ghostbusters one.
There's only 3 for PS3 :p (15,16,17)Also, was the rewards multiregional? I think it was only for Japan server. I maybe wrong.
For those that have questions on Toro station free 30 days, wait till the PS Store comes back live(whenever that is). For those that already had a...
Nothing major, but Granzella has posted some updates.ãšã£ã“ã‘é©å‘½æˆ¦å£«ãŸã¡ã®å¥®é—˜æ—¥èªŒ | Granzella HomepageGoogle –|–óJune 13 (Mon)...
Actually give them life sentence without any visitation. I don't know if these guys stole any money, but if they did and hid it well, they might...
We = Wii You = UYeah, creative :p
PlayStation®Home ƒIƒtƒBƒVƒƒƒ‹ƒTƒCƒgHere's the personal space that will be given for Japan. It will be handed out after Japan gets full service...
Rewards will be given. It's just that some aren't given out or modified in a way.
The only problem with this is that you need to use 1 out of the 5 activation that you can use for each account. If for some reason you use all 5...
My US account just got infected when I got one of the Midway reward. The erasing of the game data does make me get into home, but when I try to...