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UK Charts: Zumba still at #1[IMG] Zumba Fitnesscontinues to do the business for 505 Games. The title has occupied the UK?s weekly all-formats...
EA Sports is indeed opening a studio in Austin, Texas[IMG] What was hinted at a couple of weeks ago has turned out to be true. EA Sports is...
Assault Horizon?s pre-order LE announced; trailer Namco Bandai?s revealed the pre-order Limited...
The Darkness II delayed to 2012[IMG] 2K's just sent word that The Darkness IIis now an early 2012 release.Previously on for this October, the...
Former BioWare lead goes dungeon-crawling The title might be indicative of something dramatic and/or...
Thank you for the image Sammy, Very awesome :)
Arkham City CE contents detailed[IMG] Batman: Arkham City?s mysterious $100 collector?s edition is a bit less of a mystery today.While there...
Studio closures a result of ?stupid acquisitions? ? Epic exec[IMG] Over the course of the past year, closures have rocked big studios, little...
Since Asura?s Wrath is a capcom game, maybe we should wait 7 or 8months later for the ultimate edition like ultimate marvel vs capcom 3 lol. Or...
Asura?s Wrath ? new trailer A new location on display in this fresh Asura's Wrath gameplay video, and...
Ubisoft dates PS3?s Child of Eden, delays COJ: The Cartel[IMG] A recent release schedule Ubisoft?s sent out has slapped a date on the...
Saints Row: The Third ? ?Power? trailer dev commentary THQ's shot out a narrated clip of Saints Row:...
Wii U may accelerate new Xbox, Playstation ? GameStop[IMG] A new Xbox and PlayStation won?t be touching shelves for another three years,...
Mui mui ship, since day 1 has been lagging & whomever has gotten around to fixing it.
The best video games the best movies the best songs, you can only play them see them or listen to so much before they become tiresome.I have...
NANA 2 (live-action movie[IMG] Plot Summary:Two girls, both named Nana and of the same age, coincidentally meet on a train trip to Tokyo. They...
Five Years of Rumiko Takahashi Short Stories Collected[IMG] New Rumic Theater Collection Published In addition to her long running...
Kirby Mass Attack Official Site Opens[IMG] And it's really cute Probably everyone has been following along since E3, when Kirby Mass Attack...
3DS Assassin?s Creed effectively killed[IMG] Over a year after its announcement at E3 2010, the 3DS-bound Assassin?s Creed: Lost Legacyhas...
Jul 16, 2011Rumour: Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 To Be Announced At Comic-Con[IMG] Capcom Wants To Sell Us The Same Game Twice? Well Duh. Jul...