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Dhalsim, Yoshimitsu, and Two Others Join the Street Fighter X Tekken Roster[IMG] :vampire:Comic-Con-2011:vampire: Four new characters have...
San Diego Comic-Con: Capcom Has the Best Giveaway on the Show Floor[IMG] :vampire:Comic-Con-2011:vampire: AAAAAAARGH: The sweet, sweet...
Black video boxesThree clocks disappeared & the one left isn't really necessary, there's always been a clock at the bottom of the forums....
Awesome News DCS. It's sad only a few members of this very forum actually post gaming & PSN News in this section. Well at least we're getting...
Freddy Krueger is Mortal Kombat's Fourth DLC Character The A Nightmare on Elm Streetantagonist is...
Saints Row The Third - Story Trailer (Comic Con 2011)[IMG] :vampire: Comic-Con 2011 :vampire:
Saints Row: The Third Comic-Con Teaser Trailer (PC, PS3, Xbox[IMG] :vampire: Comic-Con 2011 :vampire:
Comic-Con 2011 Preview from the GameSpot Crew[IMG] :vampire: Comic-Con 2011 :vampire:
Spider-man: Edge of Time - Comic-Con 2011 (PS3, Xbox 360, Wii, 3DS, DSGet the Comic-Con 2011 experience without encountering the smelly people...
[IMG] Comic-Con 2011 will be starting soon so don't ba afraid to show how much of a comic geek you are. Please post any Comic-Con 2011 related...
Make me puke!!!!OMG Hulk Hogan WHY, WTF?! Not everyone likes freaking wrestling or some orange bald dipshit like Hulk Hogan. I really really...
Hulk Hogan and a Porn Star Lend Their Voices to Saints Row: The ThirdThe Hulkster will play the role of Angel, leader of the Lucadores street...
Could Not ResistI couldn't help it, i love digital illustrations & the illustrations i've added in my favorite characters thread pushed me over...
Your favorite digital art & art illustrations. The art illustrations you like, be it from comics games movies...whatever, it's all about your...
Jane Valderama & Zombie Carlos & Others As Homies[
The Old Republic CE, box art spotted[IMG] Its quite possible the Collector?s Edition for Star Wars: The Old Republichas been leaked. The...
LBP Vita develeoper goes PlayStation-only[IMG] Sony?s snatched up another exclusive developer; PS Vita?s LittleBigPlanetdeveloper Double Eleven...
Dragon?s Dogma ? Golem introduced with new shotsImages:Capcom?s introducing Golem, a new giant creature that players will encounter in their...
Starhawk?s BETA will be public[IMG] Starhawkwill have a beta testing, this we?ve known since May. The added bit of good news today is that...