Separate names with a comma.
Interested in meeting a fantastic group of people and getting all the latest on PS4 Social worlds?
I just completed the Trashman challenge, & recieved a "Park Re cycling Container Reward" :)Just to mention also, in the flying a plane...
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmwah hehe :)
Check out @PlayStationEU's Tweet: video that's linked, has more of the xmb bar &...
there are too many updates... why would I look for anohther skirt to buy, I hav e a hundred, half of which were free...I wish they would get...
in the park, a photo task, u have to be quick with this one, take photo of fountain, then back on yourself, down the steps, take photo of...
I went to prarie ranch, stable game, & got "hitchin post" reward
upload a pic, batch uploading needs adobe flash I believe, mbut it may happen, but summer holidays will end, kids will be back at school, things...
: congrats to those who won
i liked BUZZ homespace, was so tempted to get the game, tried the demo :( glad i tried b4 i buyed. huge shame.
PSN ID: SilurianLass3 PSN Region: EU
£9.99 for both spaces is tempting, you get all the horses too.
I am mildly confused... the saloon is the clubhouse?, you getthe ranch & the clsaloon?, or they remain seperate items?
phaser gun, transporters, enterprise bridge clubhouse, enterprise engine room clubhouse, medical bay clubhouse :)captain costumes for female,...
just visited the public space, prarie, got bench (if you sit the slanted seat at the bench, then getup, you slide along the seat tget up :) ), got...
Old vampire lady, was in saloons in wild west... has currently applied for work at 50's diner...hhmmm.... I got 5 minutes free & posted.pc is...
Adrian submitted a new Showcase Item:Monster Chick FlickI'm at the Arctic expidition personal space, in a little "disco section", of my own...
I'm at the Arctic expidition personal space, in a little "disco section", of my own creating, mixed a couple of funky concepts, rather Thelma and...