Separate names with a comma.
Interested in meeting a fantastic group of people and getting all the latest on PS4 Social worlds?
Is that a question? Or are you trying to state that it works? I haven't tried this to confirm, but I don't think it works.
The times are correct in PST. The event is done all 7 days of the week, but since humans are running it, the VRkuroshio_Home accounts may differ...
OK, I can now confirm the 2 fishes, Barracuda(No.9) and Blacktip shark(No.25)All 3 requirements stated below must meet for the 2 fishes to...
I might be able to help out if I'm available at the time. I may have my PS3 running but may perhaps be AFK. So if you can meet up with kane or FF,...
Did you enter the code through PSN and got the good hoodie? Because the facebook app does show it as good, but the code itself is for the evil.
Nice find. I choose good, but for some reason the code was for bad karma (@_@)Tried the evil side, and it's the same code. Where's the good one?
I probably figured out how the rare fishes comes out, but I still need to verify it. I'll post details after I can confirm on it, but it'll...
Don't forget to get your replica EVO Championship trophy :)
Oh, please... don't make me go further with where you got your source. (I'm one of those that is against that action) I did explain this quite...
Those are the paid hand items that changes during the event. Unless...oh, never mind. Don't want to go further on this subject.
|ω・)っ[ATTACH]Found no.9 and I was able to take a pic. It just disappeared 5 minutes after I went in. I still need to find this fish 2 more...
|ω・)っ [ATTACH]It probably took me somewhere around 10000 points to get everything. First, I tried getting the rewards when I was getting 400 -...
Don't forget to get your EVO companion today. It's...ah, never mind. Just take a look at it yourself :p
And here's probably 9. A friend told me that it appeared in his instance and to come over. Wasn't able to get it in the book since it disappeared...
Here's 25. [ATTACH]
If your talking about the sheep icon avatar then it was a limited time offer in the store and was taken off on the 7/19.If it's some other...
Here is the schedule for the videos at the aquarium. You will only get 100 points for the first viewing of each show. So that makes 1700 max for...
?? How did this exchange rate come from?
Hmm...there may be a possibility that there is a reward item similar to how THX was distributed. Still figuring out if it's true, but it could be...
Look at my post, forgot to write that you will...