Separate names with a comma.
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:oops:Hey, didn't notice the reply. I have looked again & can only see a monitor icon so I was clearly thinking that was the previous half...
Appears I can take my horse to water, but I can't make it drink :0
Timeline as I remember it, Thursday 26th September 2013 "Rain" feature in Homesquare, darkish skies, no rain to speak of, (spits in the air?)...
That George Formby never turns up!
Traffic lights
Adam Jenson's coat £0.79 Miss guided trousers £0.79 Gunfighter boots from the Granzella "Gunfighter 4-piece set (red women) set cost £1.59:)
I was hoping for more... like a mini game, lol, nothings ever good enough for me :), Truthfully I like both rewards... I put the picture frame in...
I'm in eu. I got a US account a while ago, I don't especially use it. wondered a few times if to get jp account, but didn't think it really...
I am struggling to fill the 6 person picnic. I've had 5 people a few times, very frustrating. If anyone else is struggling perhaps we could meet...
Getting ready for the show :)
What is the mirror reflecting???