Separate names with a comma.
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:right: hoodies, but yeah I do think the space will be nice definitely a different idea.
*Inserts what I believe they will consider good tie-ins to these spaces* :p
I found that weird as well. Although it is a great addition to my arcade space I was kind of thinking it would have some kind of action to it.
Blame Zero for making me post :( [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] My wedding dress with mystik :p [IMG] [IMG] We really need more styles to...
O that's no fun. Btw omg my whip is almost going to fall to pieces :( should whip one last person(mystik) maybe we can get a new whip from him :o
Thankfully no billabong dresses, and ehh this update seems kind of lame. ;D luckily I still have things from week before last to buy or I'd be a...
You forgot your whip and a willing slave(dante) :p nice looks though I love the gothic corset :o
says invalid attachment :cry: but yes I would love a nice assassin costume :o
O you'll care alright. :right:
I'm sure full throttle's costumes will be popular(not to me but everyone else) I'm excited to see what Spring Drey fashion will look like and...
no1currs :p unless they release more useful rewards then EveryoneCurrs :o
unfortunately I saw a blog with clothes and now I have to post my favs :) [IMG] try not to make it nude on accident mystik :p [IMG] I'd love...
half of the update shown was previously released items. Elmo's only here for Street Fighter X Tekken(hopefully the costumes aren't one piece cause...
Is it wrong that I'm surprised that there isn't more of a gold/diamond/platinum look :p but it does look actually nice And there is a poolboy :p
and elmo wants them all ;D
;) hey all just looked at a bunch of photos and wanted to post a few looks that would be great in home [IMG][IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]...
I'm a bit burnt out with companions :( I have more then I thought I actually would.
:( wish I had bought this personal space. :) that's nice that loot is so giving though
Hopefully I win, Elmo-JO as a villian has a nice touch to it ;D