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Sony replaces Resistance 3 with MotorStorm: Apocalypse in 3DTV bundle[IMG] If you live in a dorm room, or an efficiency in Manhattan, or a tiny...
Rumor: Team Bondi to be acquired by Mad Max studio, KMM[IMG] Mad Max's George Miller is playing host to the artists behind L.A. Noire, Team...
Mass Effect 3 will/won't have multiplayer, part 4: Xbox World cover edition[IMG] First it did, and then it didn't, and then it might, and now...
Battlefield 3 to have 10 times the unlocks as Bad Company 2[IMG] Battlefield 3 will have 10 times the hardware unlocks as Bad Company 2, in an...
Borderlands 2, starring Salvador the dwarf and a dump of new details[IMG] Borderlands 2 is bumpin' up the brutality with new details, courtesy...
Gamestop bundling Resistance 3 with PlayStation 3DTV anyway (if you preorder)[IMG] In an effort to prove that Sony ain't the boss o' them,...
Pop Duo Puffy Land Voice Roles in "Usagi Drop" Anime[IMG] Ami and Yumi take on voice acting for the first time in five years The anime...
VIDEO: To Aru Hik?shi e no Tsuioku (Flashbacks to a Certain Aerial Pilot) TrailerMadhouse Adapts Koroku Inumura Madhouse's adaptation of Koroku...
Dwayne (is he "The Rock" this week?) Johnson as Roadblock in G.I. Joe 2: Retaliation[IMG] Sequel Slated for June 2012 Release Pre-wrestler...
VIDEO: "Monster Hunter Portable 3rd HD Version" Ads Joseph Luster August 05,...
Marvel Movie Mania Marches On[IMG] Hope You Like Your Marvel Comics Adaptations We're the better part of a year away from the Amazing...
World of Warcraft Pet Raises $2 Million for Tsunami Relief[IMG] Hundreds of Thousands of Players Buy Charity Virtual Item Back in May, World of...
Tokyopop's Stu Levy Launches Kickstarter Fundraiser for Quake Documentary[IMG] When Tokyopop announced that it was folding its manga publishing...
Maaya Sakamoto to Sing Tamayura TV Opening Theme[IMG] Also sang opening theme to the OVA series. The official blog for the fall TV anime...
FEATURE: National High School Manga Championship of Japan DAY ONE[IMG] The 20th Manga Koshien, National High School Manga Championship of...
I'm more then happy to add anything & i thank you & other members plus those who view & reply to the gaming section, they're the 1s keeping it...
I agree i won't go online either if it gets to bad. I hope there'll always be an offline option because i live without playing online, I did...
TheSims3 [IMG] Big disappointment it wasn't.
World of Warcraft [IMG] A console version
Resistance 3 golden, packed with extras[IMG] Resistance 3has gone gold, fighters of monstrous alien scum will be happy to learn, meaning the...