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Just a heads up for the GAW Theater Cyborg 009 movie items and movie trailer, they will be ending their sale items and trailer soon, so get those...
I suddenly had got 95 in rank and got pink suit there. WOW! Incredible! :p I recently have caught 3 of the missions list on the recent activity...
That's going to be hard to say since this is a community vote, and there's no way of knowing so you have to go with your gut instinct like Liar...
No, it's been gone long ago.
Ah, I think I've got these already (objectives wise) but I will check back on those. I also think Japan Home is running TGS again this month, so...
They brought E3 to their region last year within a week of E3 playing in other regions, so it'll probably be up by the second week of the event....
Exactly, they're just "choice rewards" and it depends on the players involved that have the time or not. Most of them aren't worth the time and...
I was thinking that the 3rd option on going on the journey would be the case of increased enemies to fight, and wrap up more experience points. I...
Like I said, I'm only playing for fun and would rather have a set-up point on what item to win and keep playing towards that goal. Staying on top...
7th quest is when you destroy the bipedal tanks (the big pink things) in Shinjuku Intersection, not the robots. After that's done, return to her.
The first 3 is the ordinary options from the dojo before: pet set-up, book of pets, and swapping pets. The 4th option is the journey game and the...
I had suggested to Faga about a hot spring spa personal space to Granzella before while he was listing things GZ want to put in for the region...
I heard you can if their energy is gone to zero, but I never had that problem. :p
PSN ID: ReccaWolf PSN Region: SCEA Pick your unique number from 1 to 99: 34
You basically send out your fish pets on a journey to find 4 swords in each of the 4 areas. You can bring another pet to help out your other pet...
He/She must've played all day in those 7 days to reach the max score. Must've played for 1 million and stopped each day, which is very hard to do....
E3 Theater space there had been pulled this morning when I went there today for the hoodies, but luckily I saved it to my faves and got them after...
Play all 6 mini-games = 1 star rank (Downtown, to Shinjuku Station, to King Kikai Stage) First icon after you beat King Kikai, you get a robot...
I have this too, but this is what it says: "For those of you who currently Hollywood Hills House Daytime Personal Estate, be on the lookout for...
New this June 5th: nDreams and Lockwood Gift Machine Sale, E3 2013 exclusive Beyond: Two Souls picture frame reward for pre-registering, and...