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Does any of the Games they Listed for FREE have Home Rewards? I never played any of those... So what i like to know if any of those do have Home...
Well if IREM is going out... I look for allot more places in HOME to close as well due to PSN being down so long. Most likely they think it's not...
It will take them 6months to build a new PSN that works... They might as well go back to the drawing board and start from scratch! Because we...
The Moon is made outta cheese... I think SONY ate it! That would explain why they are not answering us... They got to stuffed full of there own...
Yep all BLOG posts by SONY have been NOTHING but LIES! Go Figure! What's Next they tell us there givin us the MOON and then go back on there...
:hb2: HAPPY Birthday CARLA! :hb2:
As i listed before on the PSN forums... My ABEL GI TOP for SFIV is gone... I have my receipt for it when i bought it. I told the Home Mods... They...
Well u can take it or leave it... I tell it the way it is... After the 1.40 deal and they took away my reward item's and even some PAID item's...
LOL! I don't have an XBox and will not buy one of those crap machines... But since we all know by now PSN is gone and not coming back as we know...
As i said... Tell PSN NOoooo! WE Will not wait that long... 40days is the stupid idea... Just Shut the PSN down and be done with it already......
SINCE PSN is gone and most likely not returning u won't have to worry about NAMCO...
Well no one here is gonna be Happy until all of ANON is dead and Burried... Nuff Said! Hunt them down burry them all alive! Give them what they...
At this rate PSN might as well throw in the White FLAG! and call it quits... 40days is way to long just to get back on Home or on-line! This is...
The World is Falling! The World is Falling! The World is Falling! Well at the rate PSN is going it will be true soon enough!
Yep pretty soon it will be a Month then it will be 6 months... Then we know PSN is not coming back... AWW!
where was it posted May 6th? I must of missed that one... Me has to wonder now...
More PR stuff... Nothing as to when the update will come... RATS!