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C.Birch submitted a new Showcase Item:Cogs Sky Platform[MEDIA] Cogs is a steampunk style puzzle game where players build machines from...
C.Birch submitted a new Showcase Item:S.I.N.'s Secret Base from Street Fighter IV[MEDIA] Watch your step! It's S.I.N.'s Secret Laboratory!...
C.Birch submitted a new Showcase Item:Street Fighter X Tekken Event Space[MEDIA] The special space for Street Fighter X Tekken Returns!Read...
C.Birch submitted a new Showcase Item:Sodium 2 Project Velocity[MEDIA] Check out the fastest extreme sport of the future: Sodium 2 - Project...
C.Birch submitted a new resource:x7 Information - Information about what x7 is and how to access it.The x7 Nightclub is an exclusive area of...
C.Birch submitted a new resource:Personal Space Infomation - A overview of how personal spaces work in PS Home.[IMG] PlayStation Home Personal...
C.Birch submitted a new Showcase Item:Stack Genius[MEDIA] Using colour blocks, build a path to get back to the starting point, where your...
C.Birch submitted a new Showcase Item:The Hangar Skatepark[MEDIA] This skatepark is housed within a huge repurposed aircraft Hangar! It’s...
C.Birch submitted a new Showcase Item:Irem Headquarters[MEDIA] Irem Headquarters space in Japan, to get to this space you need to go to the...
C.Birch submitted a new Showcase Item:Irem Gekito Meadows[MEDIA] Irem Gekito Meadows public game space on Japan Home, This is a cool RPG game...
C.Birch submitted a new Showcase Item:Guitar Hero VIP Lounge[MEDIA] If you want to extend your Guitar Hero experience, come and hang out at...
C.Birch submitted a new Showcase Item:Guitar Hero Backstage[MEDIA] Rock out with your friends backstage and challenge the Gods of Rock to an...
C.Birch submitted a new Showcase Item:Ooblag's Alien Casino[MEDIA] Ooblag's Alien Casino is where the universe's most hardcore craps players...
C.Birch submitted a new Showcase Item:Namco Theatre[MEDIA] Check out the latest trailers for new and upcoming Namco Bandai releases in the...
C.Birch submitted a new Showcase Item:Uncharted Waters Online[MEDIA] Game lobby space in Japan for users of the game "Uncharted Waters...
C.Birch submitted a new Showcase Item:PixelJunk Shooter Mother Ship Hanger[MEDIA] Explore the hanger of the ERS PINATA COLADA, the Mother...
C.Birch submitted a new Showcase Item:Magic: The Gathering[MEDIA] Welcome to The Great Hall of Learning. Expand your Magic: The Gathering...
C.Birch submitted a new Showcase Item:Home Square Version 4[MEDIA] The beating heart of PlayStation Home, relax and take in the views, hang...
C.Birch submitted a new Showcase Item:Home Square Version 3[MEDIA] Meet up with your friends and make some new ones in the lush surroundings...