Separate names with a comma.
Interested in meeting a fantastic group of people and getting all the latest on PS4 Social worlds?
Ahh ok..Wasn't sure if she did a double post, but thank you for letting me know. ^^
Karen, did you double post the info?..LOL..I did a double take after I read the initial content and it repeat it self again. Just to let you know.
Ahh, yes, Studio 4 Degree Celsius Thundercat! :o
Yep, I have seen bits and pieces of Witchblade too in the past, but never finish it. Yep, I have watch all what I have with my list of animes. :o
You got your Coachella?
Yay! Go Canucks! :o As that Molson beer commercial quote goes, "I AM CANADIAN!"
Mine would be, or at least what I have been in touch with my Blu-ray and downloaded vids. Here is couple of my favorite and classics...- Pretty...
Yeah, my guess it would be a 2 hour long usual time frame RDR XXXP experience. 'S ok, I will pop in to check it out if still alive or not with...
Do you know when it will end? LOL..Another one I am going to miss. :p
I think that's a fantabulous idea (Fantastic Fabulous)! :o
LOL...I know I know, am just teasing ya FF.. ^^
So you calling me an idiot by posting the news on Annon? How dare you! >.< Grrrr..LOL..
Looks like Hotz is off the case, but Annon isn't...Hacker's Fight With Sony Is Over, But Not For Anonymous
So only EU and NA. Cool. :o
So if you have your JPN PSN account do head on over to the PSN store and download the demo! There is English subs which you can turn on and off...
As well to add the following update with SSFIV in Japan and for North America. :)Bigger Pics of the Super SFIV Arcade Edition X Monster Hunter...
Ahhh yes, the big electrical Tesla orb thingie teleport to S2: PV. :) Got that orb from Beta testing and will proudly display today when I get...
Am going to trade-in my SSFIV for the SSFIV: AE since they just added couple new character (Oni Akuma, Evil Ryu, Yang and Ying brothers), couple...
As Paris Hilton would say, "That's hot!..." ~__^