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The first promo popped up after some dancing on the stage for about one full round of listening to music, I'm parking for a bit to see what else...
Well then get in here and shake your groove thang! :rainbow:
If I'm reading this right there is a diploma for dancing on the sage in the second floor bar:- (Amateur) 2012-02-25 12:15:57 Rewards were found...
Nope, did you check the machine from the last event? Neon Downtown apartment is in the store at the lounge. YAY!
2 hours looks about right, it's just taking its sweet time! Yoshi I've got goodies for you and Sarah this time! XD Faga I'd love to gift you too...
Has anyone played this uncharted waters online game? I'm installing it right now and it's a beast! It takes a very long time to download and...
We still have lot's coming to the space yet, i would love an apartment as a reward. :biggrin:
:laughing: That's HI-larious! LOVE IT! :roflmao: Now I wish they made a male bunny suit like the Dream Club costumes! :jump: Great pic Recca!
C'mon Gary, your not even interested in at least one bunny suit? I'd bet you'd be adorable in one! :tounge2:
Ok I want to know how anyone is getting 200k on the training game?!?! I don't see it, I'm not raking in any points like that at that training...
somebody rumored at me that there is a crown, if there is one I bet it's just like Shoei's. I hit level 80 while playing the bike and got the gold...
OMG! I wonder if those options are specific to getting more points, leveling up and??? could it be you can choose what you want the bonus to...
That crazy Tarro must be an addition to the second Edo game that we haven't seen.
:crossi: WOW! surprise-surprise! finally something out of that game! Oh and that Tarro root demon is in the crane game. :thumbup:
Yes, the only reason I created one was for Toro! :tounge2:
Recca I don't see a Twitter icon on the episodes, isn't there supposed to be one when you set up twitter? I must not be doing it right. went to...
You know there will be more tools, they have 10 display spots available on the screen at the end to show what you dug up. Neon Downtown has really...
20 STEPS!?!? No thanks! That's crazy, are you using the brush over and over? I have seen people using the brush a lot. :huh4:
No I can only get 2 fossils with only the 300 yen tools doing that combo, I tried other ways but till I got all of the tools there was no getting...
Sam your always welcome to come play with me, my friends and I are completely addicted to the game and we spend entire days there and sometimes...