Separate names with a comma.
Interested in meeting a fantastic group of people and getting all the latest on PS4 Social worlds?
Do you suppose you need the upgrades to be competitive in this competition? I know without them I'm not anywhere close to the numbers I see on the...
A couple days ago I did something in Japan Home but now I'm not sure exactly what I did. Though this is kinda common there, I'm hoping someone...
I've got it also, maybe three times a charm?
Ahoy! I was just thinking about all the time I spent talking to the three Capcom girls on their big Capcom shipt to get three more precious...
@ MsLiZaChan I can relate about feeling guilty freeloading the Aurora space, I'm a 4-region regular at DanMW's space almost every day. I missed a...
I got the code after doing a live chat about why I hadn't received it. For first time customers they have an extra verification process where the...
I can't believe I read this previously and just went along my merry little way. I almost want to say shhhhh now lol. I just got a 35 GBP card...
@ Recca, thx, I just missed seeing that info. Darn tho. Funny that a couple people said they couldn't box in that wacky wabbit but others have!...
Would anyone be able to verify that a person can buy the cane only, visit a friend's space who has the other Easter egg gaming parts, play the...
@Mermaid Got that hair style from Singstar in EU, it's part of the Flame Red Catsuit outfit. It can be bought separately though, and that's...
Oh geez lol. I must admit the guys looked pretty awesome in those golden sledge suits. :) I had to resort to putting on one of the rare golden...
I just played the new Sledge race and nothing to sweat about as it's not exactly on the same difficulty level as the first one. My time just now...
I must have missed viewing the Animated Atom before, that's supa sweet!
In the immortal words of DCS, Awww! Only for males? Audi has a strange sense of rewarding. Sometimes they give female-only outfits, sometimes...
Baron I'm not sure how else I would take you saying "none of the games relied on skill or intelligence, just pure dumb luck" other than clearly as...
Looks like a fun update! Hope I have enough skill to collect those eggs because that Swan Sorceress Wand looks saweet. The dress is original...
Thanks for the in depth information Firefly and ev1 else. Guess I'll have to download this but I'm worried it'll take up my Homie time! and...
@KCC I do have some EU Plus friends on my list, would you like me to ask them about joining your task force shed game? I believe DanW here is a...
Thanks Carla, I'll have to check it out again. When the NP space was new there was a silly effort made to get the top spot by at least one...