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lol yea i wish i could have gotten that outfit. but at that time i was still new to home myself and wasn't sure about it. right now i have 2...
that will be interesting to see lol :)
lol that is just to funny the most simplest thing is so hard there. i mean how can you have a forum if people have a hard time posting??? as far...
i understand how you feel :). i just wish i would have registered here sooner instead of just being a guest for so long lol.
i wonder kitty if you use eu or jp account info if that that would be considered a master account or sub?? i know i can use my na account to get...
the irem xmas or new year or what ever it is lol is still working i did get that last night along with the post card from the plaza. also just to...
but you have to admit that is a smart move by sony, one way or another they are going to get that $14.99 out of you lol.
i agree that jo should start it here to and someone start the mens also. that way there will be no fear of them being lost again lol :)
oh ok i thought you just got them form the irem square only. no wonder i couldn't get anything lol :)
ok maybe you guys can help me. i know about the swords in the jp irem and that you need one of those tickets to get one. i have 2 of the tickets...
oh ok that is what i was thinking. thanks for the info kc :)
lol aetern, i just hope it helps me find my way through jp lol :)
i have a question do you have to pay for the game in the store or is it free to download? i have a jp account but i have not been on it much cause...
that is very true carla, but i do have to say for the most part people on home do help and give the right codes out or atleast will tell you where...
it does sound like a good idea kitty. although i have never been on tweeter or ever plan to be lol. look on the bright side atleast it wasn't a...
oh nooooooo run kitty lol :)
lol the funny thing about it is between xi and codes are the reason i joined the ps forums. cause before then i had never even thought about those...
awwww carla don't worry we would not do anything bad while you are sleeping. really it is not like we would try to take over your site err i mean...