Separate names with a comma.
Interested in meeting a fantastic group of people and getting all the latest on PS4 Social worlds?
Out of curiosity, will the weekly reward for the Ookubi event change on Wednesdays? I agree that it is quite a letdown btw, but I'll at least try...
I'm not getting a PS4 until probably at least 6 months to a year after its initial release. I will have to see reviews for awhile and give game...
wow ok thx. Here I have been thinking all this time that I couldn't advance any further until I got that one done. Geez--what a simple piece of...
oh man -that would be awesome. Let me know when exactly and I will meet you there. Really appreciate it. I didnt' even know about a triple pts....
This info. is helping me too, so thx much. I got through the first 8 battles (I think it was 8) with others helping and then got to one that I...
I'm confused by this. Do you have to own the space itself then? In the first sentence it says rewards at the Tardis Open House and then what is...
Funny you mention that because a Japanese friend told me she selected the first one based on that exact theory. It was already too late for me by...
Maybe a concussion will rattle something into place for me. lol
Does anyone know if they sell that item that heals you once during Edo battles in EU? I look under GZ Edo stuff and couldn't find it.
Thx Recca--worked great. I used the old red sword that glows and got it done. Just had to be patient, take some cover at the right times and avoid...
Has there been any indication from Granzella that they are aware of the issue and if it will be fixed? I don't know if this can be done without a...
I had a feeling pink (that thing isn't red when you see it) would win in a female avi dominated Japan Home, but I voted blue too.
PSN ID: HOPPER_34 Confirm: Yes
Annette Funicello came to mind when I saw those bathing suits. :D
Not quite as bad on the waitresses as X7. :D
I was invited and just went. This one I did save to favs...and from there you can go back to 1st floor space (which you can't save to favs).
Now the Open House for the Marina and Yacht Club portion of the space is "out" too. Not sure what is going on with all of this, especially...
....something about having to enter the house via a telepad that isn't real handy either. :D
it goes from one thing to the next. First I run out of them and then when I do have them I forget to wear them. lol