Separate names with a comma.
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is this already available? And if so is it EU cos me likey.
I agree - the new Wedding Ceremony part is great - me and my boyfriend made JP accounts just to get married :p I like Seaside of Memories. Glad it...
@ Pia, me too, I also think it's a good name. Luckily I know I won't wanna change mine. I'll love (classic) Lara & Tomb Raider forever <3
sorry for the offtopic, but where are the outfits in the 1st pic from? are they avalable in EU? :) I want a wedding dress.
Glad you agree state monkey :) I like the subway idea too. More random ideas: An Aquarium public or personal space where you can go underwater...
I tried it once and never went back due to quitters too. cute little costume though :)
I already said in the 'what personal spaces do you own' thread I'd like a house in the middle of the sea :P I'd also love to see a really cuttesie...
I like the shoes and icecreams. I bought the black peepholes.
@Pia LOL @ your reply.. too true.. I hate that we in EU are behind -_- I like the penthouse but it seems veeeeery dark to me - is that just my tv...
I'm getting sick of all this 'emo' or 'scene' style stuff lately.. did that style win a vote or something? :/ olny thing decent here for me is the...
people using eu home can get the paris apartment via a mall hack?! wow, I never knew stuff like that was possible :O
my god you guys put me to shame LOL - thought this would be a nice thread to pst in cos I haven't been here in ages I own Harbour Studio...
agree - also I find that the USA stuff at least is tons cheaper than eu stuff, as far as clothing items ect go...
Siren nurse outfit is one of my faves... I love LOADS from US and Asia that we don't get here in EU.... my account knows I'm 17 tho so I can't get...
Trust me, EU are not ahead... Asia and US always get more furniture, personal spaces, clothing items ect... for example, we have not long got the...
yeah, they would probably lose a bit of money but still... I know my boyfriend and I would love to be able to gift to each other :)
Since Day one of me joining home I have hoped for this.. I'd love to be able to send and recieve gifts :( What does everyone else think? :)