Separate names with a comma.
Interested in meeting a fantastic group of people and getting all the latest on PS4 Social worlds?
LOL..Per your under the ID fine print "Taste the Flesh", so I think you will be interested with Dead Island fo' sho'! ~__^ **dabble her button...
Underline in red part me likes. :o
Cool! :) Its always good with alternative online shop VS the mainstream. Eventho am not familiar with particular UK mainstream game shop, but...
So once again I peer thru the HOME crystal ball and I give you something that is coming in JPN HOME...Sony Recreates Popular Aquarium in...
Bought Borderland GotY comes with the Duke Nukem Forever demo/First Access Club code and waited months on end for the demo. As the game gone gold...
Speaking of Gantz, I have found a site that you can DL the DVDRip version of the live action movie......
yeah, am hoping you are right about SFxTekken as a one time release game. I would hate to see another upgraded version. CAPCOM should simply...
Band aid Carla's tender fingers. :o There there..
What's next you said? I think CRAPCOM announced the "Ultimate" Marvel VS CRAPCOM 3 is what. I hate CRAPCOM milking its fan and I ain't buying SF...
Yeah, am hoping the samething with Arkham City has HOME instant/unlockable like Asylum. As well last night I saw the next MK character update...
Lazy hardly, but looking good, yes. :o ~__^
Hellllooooo Beach Nurse or life guard! **pretend to play dead and in need of CPR** ~__^ hee hee..
AoR007 is my JPN ID. My list might be full at the moment, but if you need me to add you I can delete a user which I haven't seen in months to add...
Yep, great addition and update to coordinate International Event in HOME with the World Time display. :)
Shoutbox (or Chatbox) for Public use when sign-in and Chat room on the bottom left for YPSH friends/buddy list kind of gathering chat and as for...
Whoa O__O It's indeed a revelation...Good post Gary. Now I know and knowing is half the battle.. :o
Sweet! Thank you for the alt link. I will take a look when I get home tonight from work. Stupid work blocks sites or social network places too...
Is there a 720p version of the anime/live concert download online? Or may be fileserve or any FTP site that host part rars with the download?...
Yes, there is Japanese version of HOME on PS Network and its a wonderful place if you like all things unique, free and great events being held....
Epic and golden!..LOL..