Separate names with a comma.
Interested in meeting a fantastic group of people and getting all the latest on PS4 Social worlds?
Woohoo! :D Give and take sometime before end of this weekend or close to mid-next week we should be able to earn the Gentlemen/new RDR Ts in no...
@ Danikaa-G Nice posting Dani with the JPN HOME kimonos. So colorful and full of life. Great stuff! :D@LovelyKimi Very nice "Black Light"...
Ooo, nice :D. But then is only for female only mask right? LOL, I can only imagine male avy wearing the catwoman mask..LOL..
You mean this week is a new one?..Ooppss..LOL..
Really? I did it in one bogus Facebook account and eventho I hate the timed base quiz game, but I got all questions right and never bother to...
Cool. Thank you for the heads up Rachel. Just pre-ordered mine copy. Wow, this year is KZ3 Helghan jetpack for HOME and now Homefront with the...
Cool beans :D
A friend of mine is interested as well, her ID is Dcsecord. She is on my buddy list and a avid UC2 multiplayer fan. She joined in last weekend's...
Cool. Thank you for the heads up Burro. :)
Wow, so they are taking away the accidental WW items in JPN HOME. :P Well, it was good while it lasted.
Yeah, I just hope the whole "in CP pre-order" of KZ3 would be stable. I don't want to see that to fail. If it failed and lots of people gripes...
Cool. Thank you for the HOME hours break down with peak hours. :)
Cool, thank you for the heads up! :)
Oh crap, so which mean to do pre-order from HOME CP for Killzone 3 wouldn't be a good idead :P. What if you pre-order the game and didn't get...
I wouldn't mind try the Uncharted 2 multiplayer online. LOL..Go easy on this noob for which I am starting at level 1 since this game came out. :P
Cool, thank you for the update with the XP Meter. :) Have a great Sunday NFL football on TV. :D
Woohoo! I hope its as cool like Sharon Apple's concert from Macross Plus. All virtually crazy and 3D and crazy light show! :D Neato. ^^
Good job Dee and to the rest of the folks that participate the comic. Cool stuff and please come out with another new episode or new HOME comic!...
Yep, good gathering and hosting with the RDR co-op online last night, Hop. For those that stay a bit later Oce and Dcs went out of the map and...
Oh crap 4pm or 5pm. Then I gotta head out soon and get my chores done like now!..LOL..