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Interested in meeting a fantastic group of people and getting all the latest on PS4 Social worlds?
I'm on US home right now, the prices for the mechjets seem to be at $2.99 each. :shades_smile: And thanks Kim for the response.
Does anyone know where you can but that shiny suit that beach guy is from on the second video? I assume it's the platinum suit under exclusives,...
Awwww Yeah, definitely getting those mechjets!
This is great news for NA home. Sarcasm/ lol I'm a bit cynical today I guess. :innocent: Congrats for you though Japan. :thumbs_up:
I like the scenery in the Bonk, and the UFC apartment is fun. I'm having problems and keep receiving errors in the UFC public space when I try to...
I think that certain wall is in the bundle. I already own one of the walls. Those are a pain to position in small spaces because they are so big!...
Oh ok, thanks Gary! :)
Certainly an exquisite space made brilliant with the placement.If I may ask, where did you purchase the walls, as well as the grass textures?
Great idea! :D
Wow, great job on finding the codes in the initial post.While I understand that it is promotion to increase the audience to publicize a game...
Saw the clip on the Mortal Kombat game, that was gruesome O.O. Although during my teen years played some violent games, I think that pushes it. I...
Raised some good questions there. I like how their furniture is new and edgy, modern and realistic, trendy. They, a company with past experience...
So to be eligible to receive this companion you must obtain certain items from the store? I guess that's alright, being compensated for the...
Can't say I'll be wearing the sweaters, but the diner looks promising. :)
I agree with the ability to allow users to stream their own media, conclusive to the purchases to the rights of the spaces bought I am uncertain...
Glad to see more games are taking an interest to Home and putting up spaces. :D
I don't have a phone with Android capability right now, but as soon as I do you can bet I will try this out! :thumbsup:
Ultra, another useful suggestion. I was not aware of any size of files (You probably know more about that than me lol) It would be a great and...