Separate names with a comma.
Interested in meeting a fantastic group of people and getting all the latest on PS4 Social worlds?
That looks incredible. Wish they would try to do something like that in US region.
Bean-bag chairs, funky pattern rugs, you name it. They already did some funky 60's style wallpaper for the studio apartment, so why not?
That would be great. I keep hoping some other apartment will have multiple wallpapers.
I had an idea for a new kind of furniture: patterned rugs. Like a photo frame you could buy a rug and attach a photo for it - art for the floor! A...
I love it! sold!
• My Hovercraft is Full of Ells
Still room? Is this club EU or is there one in US?screen name is StateMonkey
1st pic: "I thought I left the dune buggy next to this High Tide sign..."2nd pic: "Did anyone remember to turn off the van?"
A zoo would be a fun idea - that would work as a personal or public space The ocean space would be cool too - like a bubble with part of it above...
What are some personal and public spaces you would like to see developed? Some private space or public facility you are just itching to see? I...
Wow, that looks very exciting. I am glad they are releasing it on PS3, and apparently attaching some 'extras' that will not be on other console...
I would like to see how it feels to play Heavy Rain with the move gadget. The main problem I have with it is not PlayStation's fault, though: my...
I was thinking about getting these. So far my favorite is the samurai costume, but my usual threads is a mix-mash of common items like the vest,...
That's a good idea. Along these lines, it would be neat if you could put together competition teams for games like golf.
It sounds really cool. I admit: I am jealous!
Again, this is a general question and not something about Home specifically. How do you do screen caps (outside of Home) or vid caps (in or out of...
How does the 3D work exactly? Do you need to wear glasses, and do the effects change as you move your head? I remember a 3D converter card of some...
I now own: • Harbour Studio (by default) • Post Apocalyptic Shelter (favorite, bonus for atmosphere and interactiveness) • Waterfall Terrace...