Separate names with a comma.
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Ok 6:15am and get a nice blank page... hows that for umm a cleaned up forum.
*cocks a cross bow and aims at Aeter*You and your little ampersands!!Take this!!!>>----------@ HI EVERYONE!!Im in a good mood today had...
Umm kay so now here is the million slurpee question..Is everyone ONLY wanting the home reward or do some of you want the misc sony items being...
All your base belong to us -ja-ja-ja
Can just see the office door "Sony domain managment" ... open it and inside are Daleks!!"FREEDOM!!!" "EXTERMINATE - EXTERMINATE - EXTERMINATE"...
Its 12am here soo I'll check what Aet is typing up when I get up at 5am ;PYes Aet I see you doing something here >.>;;;
I read it and laughed so hard I actually almost chocked on my soda!The biggest complaint has been the coloring... actually its one of the key...
*meows and leaps ontop of Joanna*=^^=Gotcha silent!!
Heh I just saw diamonds post and peeked via guest still at the sony forums and see... another mod got added?o.O;;;With all these add-ons ......
Hmm well.. I guess looking at all the comments currently.It seems the userbase is split.. you have the pro sides like aets comments and the...
Wouldnt it boil down to the lesser of two evils?Dead as a ghost townor alive with a high amount of spam?
Im kind of agreeing with that.. it does seem like they are under the idea that they can replace the old posters with the new.Sadly what they...
I dont know.. maybe this?"In addition to the Official Rules of Conduct, the Forums Moderating Team may choose to implement...
Aet... >.> do you NOT notice in that thread.. there is NO email address.. so you cant send an email to 'them' if they dont give you one.You'd...
Look at the rest of mohawks rules of conduct :DRecently updated by rockbilly.. fine print at the bottom the cute bit :D
Ohh btw joanna funny enough look at this thread..Made by Mr Jr himself Mohawktown on the 6th.. alittle after he banned me......
Joanna thats the thing though... OTHER posters have been calling the forum mods nazi's and even putting pics of the swatzika in their posts.. but...
No not you sorry but some people in HOME who haunt the forums had commented a few days ago how "I thought mohawktown had it in for me"...
Still think.. I was 'paranoid' at the fact Mohawk was focusing on me... -.-;Just incase anyone questions how authentic my post was with my...
Though... i dont know why they cant keep me in the loop on anything further -.-;