Separate names with a comma.
Interested in meeting a fantastic group of people and getting all the latest on PS4 Social worlds?
Your PS Home Club (If you have one, if not you can list one your a member of)Im not a member of any, so does that mean i cannot have my signature?
This week alright... Saturday afternoon and no PSN yet. I'm really not counting towards the end of this outage until the end of this month. It...
OK, ill say that the 3 things I miss more about PS Home in order of importance are:1 - The friends I made there and I can only meet them there....
Its already saturday dawn here. No PSN yet...I know a lot of ppl are trading PS3 over xbox360 because of this, I just don't do that because I...
I just want PS HOME to load faster at the startup, when entering any space, after receiving a reward and when trying to see your rewards and itens...
It is no good Sony is still preventing us to use PSN and it services, and what is worse is that the next weekend is coming tomorrow and it will be...
First the PSN was shut down by hackers, now theres another evil bastard trying to do harm to users from YPSH? God, i wish we had the power to...
This week is almost at the end. First the service was expected to be available last wednesday, now it is supposed to be available "soon" Whats the...
I´ll login straight away on PS HOME and finally buy the Blaster's Paradise personal space, then i'll start playing new games again, but of course,...
I've read that almost everytinhg will be back to normal this week, except the PS Store. Seems like a new sofware update will be launched along...
Im going to finish MGS 4 later tonight, then ill be back playing soldner X 2 final prototype trying to get 100% on the game without counting the...
Playing MGS 4, listening to music on my PS3 to see which ones i still like and which ones i dont anymore, surfing the net and assuring im the...
Yeah, I really like a lot of songs from GTA Games, since GTA 3 was launched for PS2 But most of all the entire Flash FM soundtrack from GTA...
Hello everyone!Everybody knows that video-games have amazing soundtracks since the 8 bit era and since then midi songs have evolved into fully...
Today i began playing Metal Gear Solid 4 for the 3rd time since this game does not have any trophies and has a wonderful story.
Yes, and PS Home is not even a game, sure, it has many games in it, but is more like a virtual social network, which means:If you have PS Home...
Yeah, i just hope it will still be running for at least 3 more years.