Separate names with a comma.
Interested in meeting a fantastic group of people and getting all the latest on PS4 Social worlds?
So far my favorite personal space is still the Luxury Weekend Safehouse, mainly because it is a large place with two floors, a nice view and...
Neither last week, nor this week, neither next week, nor the week afterOnly at the last week of May it seems, in about 2 weeks and 6 days.
Well, im resolving some problems in my life, but when im at my home, im always keeping my arcade higscores and when im on my PS3 im trying to...
Yes, i can totally agree!!Thanks to Carla Birch i am now aware of all the personal spaces and active itens that i can watch and see which ones i...
If I recall correctly i said before that Sony would only made the PSN available again with its FULL functionality at the end of may and it seems...
If they are still between stages 1-2 of the testing, maybe a whole more week is what they need for finishing stage 3 of the test, or maybe 3 more...
I sure hope that we as Sony's customers will be granted Free itens when the PSN and PS store are back, like free downloadable games and that Sony...
I´ll only believe it when i see it. And 2 weeks + 4 days without the PSN is only not a long time to Sony.I sure hope "early next week" not to be...
I really love a LOT of Megaman songs and the main theme of The Legend of Zelda games too.
I wish Sony to make any kind of agreement with Nintendo so PS Home avatars could enjoy some Samus Aran, Link, Zelda and Princess Peach clothes.
Well, maybe Sony would do better by not estipulating a timeline if they can't make it by then (this week that is going to the past)
I don't know if PS Home already have it, but a Megaman costume would be very cool.
Well, now its almost 5 pm, and since here in Brazil the timeline is 12 hours exactly before Japan, then in Japan its now almost 5 am, which means...
I see, thank you Carla.
Im a member of 2 clubs on YPSH, but not any club on PS Home, which one of they are necessary for the signature, Carla?
Unfortunately, Sony's PSN is out for 2 weeks and 3 days now, which means it is worse than the worst xbox live outage to date.Thats what we get...