Separate names with a comma.
Interested in meeting a fantastic group of people and getting all the latest on PS4 Social worlds?
When I have nothing better to do do on my PS3 I usually go to PS Store to see which PS ONE classics will I be buying in the future as well as...
I want PS Store to be back to beeing able to finally buy my Blaster's Paradise Personal Space. But what I really wanna see is PS Store updating 5...
Thank you for this info, ReccaWolf
Hello everyone I have the Neptune Suite Personal Space for a couple of months now, and I've read here at YPSH that this space has rewards, but...
I don't have any parts of the Mansion, so will I be unable do get the Garage for Free?And thanks for the info, GOODY.
When we are able to get those 100 free itens, will someone or anyone here at YPSH post all of those itens or where to get them, like in the Free...
Nice, thank you kurisu.
Does anybody know what we will be getting for PS Home for FREE when the Welcome Back arrives at the end of may? Clothes? Ornaments? Appliances?...
As of now, im only truly concerned with just one thing, regarding the Updates on every Tuesdays on the PS Store. Lets see: The last update was...
Yesterday night, I was at the Theater, then when I got out to the Central Plaza, A message saying that my Harbor Studio was loading appeared, and...
I'll get Little Big Planet and Wipeout HD + Fury, since I already have Super Stardust HD and Dead Nation, and I already got a platinum trophy for...
Yesterday, i was asked to download the new 3.61 firmware, but as of today im still not able to logon on PSN I'm sure the first places for the PSN...
Still waiting in South America...
I'm still waiting for the restoration here in South America...
The Wait for PS Home sure is hurting all of us for more than 3 weeks, but Second Life, even if it's something kinda similar to PS Home, is, by no...
I can't be happy with this until i turn on my PS3 and a message displaying something like " a new update is avaliable, you cannot access PSN until...
Today marks the very first Friday the 13th day without PSN since late 2006.
I just finished Bionic Commando and somewhere in the middle of the game there's a radio playing a very cool rock song, cool enough that made me...