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Uh oh were back to shortly again duh. May 1st = Shortly May 4th Soon= May 4th again Shortly = π. I don't know what is worst them telling us...
Fire in Japan passwords in most sites are over 16 characters. They have the most complicated password system I've ever seen. Point is aim high 12...
First 1 to 2 days. (a day into this) Then service will resume "shortly". (12 days into this) Now (now 15 days into this) PlayStation 3...
Stringer must go now it is his stupidity that is prolonging this outage...
There are ways but it would take a very expensive lab with the proper equipment and time. That's something the bad guys don't have I hope. I don't...
+ Patrick Seybold on May 2nd, 2011 at 2:50 pm said: Those security questions will not be used. As an added layer of security, the password...
They have totally mishandled and continue to mishandled this entire incident. They have no excuse for what they have done and continue to do it...
This is just peachy. Now it's going to take another two weeks for these upper management morons to figure this one out. Now psn will not be back...
What does shortly mean to SONY? A week a month? Shortly to me means in a few hours or about a day. Not in a few days or longer. Why do they...
I've already seen a dozen playstation commercials on TV...
Well the playstation commercials are back. Where's psn?