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Yea that reward bug is scaring me for the e3 rewards.. But it is nice they changed the space around and made it look diffefrent..
Oh very nice but don't know which ones i'll be grabbing maybe LocoRoco and Hustler Kings for jp and, what is Trashbox is that like the Trash...
Yes it was great i got keep mine and it went smoothly like jo said, plus i know my password now lol. Now just have to wait for hk to come back...
Thats nice japan got back online they been down or a long time, Going to check my hong kong to and still need to change the passes on them both..
Just got this email..SCEAAllClear ID powered by DebixIdentity Theft Protection Offer for PlayStation®Network and Qriocity™ CustomersSony...
I'll play and help out kurisu if you still need it.
The store got's to be back up some time soon since they are losing money everyday it's down.. Also did jp and hk come back online yet?Kimi...
Put some buck shots in kimi's behide ;D..
If changed my pass once from the ps3 and again from the site should i change it again and do it on the ps3 since sony is all screwed up and the...
This makes you want ps store to go up faster like right now with the 30 day + and free games and 100 free items on home and to see what they are..
Almost 4 weeks with no psn would think sony would work over time day and time and no sleep to get it back up..
Seems like everyday company's are getting hacked now, wonder if all the hackers got together and planned all this..
:lol1: casp.. The H4xx0rs see you casp and carla is the leader and everyone follows her your in trouble :roflmao:.. I would sacrifice fluff...
I want to test psn with my sc game think they will let me ? Maybe this is a start of something to come that thing they call psn ?
The way sony is going feel's like its going to take another 3 weeks and how ever many days.. Maybe longer :(And they wont tell us any...
throws and rubs :hb2: in carla face :laughing: :birthday:
It is nice and keeps people some what sane from psn being down, It's a 2nd home away from home..
Yea like kurisu said psn will be up first sometime soon so people can play online and then the other services will come up like the store and etc...
DCS Can i ask you something ? Why always with the negative side of things all the time, Yes it's been 3 weeks since we had no psn because of some...
If Anonymous didn't do it why did sony turn off the servers for psn, Just so they can update and add stuff ? Don't think so it got's to do with...