Separate names with a comma.
Interested in meeting a fantastic group of people and getting all the latest on PS4 Social worlds?
Well just picked up my free stuff. Can't say I got everything since I didn't really want everything. Just got stuff here and there of what I may use.
I have none of those items. Guess that's what happens when I rarely buy stuff. So I guess that's a win for me...I think? Furniture is probably all...
1.Got more work done in terms of 3D models and film work as well as getting a plethora of trophies. Platinum Marvel vs. Capcom 3. 2.Harvest some...
Probably won't happen but I'd like the ability to send items(paid items from store) to friends. And with it the ability to accept/reject it in...
I have yet to see the Disapperance of Haruhi Suzumiya. Waiting for the blu-ray to begin watching it, shouldn't be too long I don't think. Good to...
I liked the first episode. Adventure of Mikeru was awesome. Crappy film is entertaining for me, probably being that I've had my share of crappy...
Maybe I'll give that Locoroco game a try. Then I can get an idea on creating that unfinished playland space/island. =p
I love Haruhi but unfortunately I want a game that I can read and understand. Also wished Suzumiya Haruhi no Gekidou was compatible for US Wii...
That's a pretty sweet headset. Grr...I went from the first Sony's Bluetooth and upgraded to their newer bluetooth. May have to again trade up for...
Dissidia 012, that's pretty much it for me. Maybe Tales of Destiny 2 and Phantasia if they show up on the JP network.
How did you change your password for you JP account?
I made it to heaven, but came back down after finding out the PSN store is still down up there. That and all my PS3 data didn't transfer.
100 free items, bleh and here I was trying to keep a nice and clean closet. Guess that's not going to happen. =p But sweet deal 100 items. Also...
Same here James. But still this is a most excellent news. And here I thought it would be til the 31st.
Meh, at this point I'm pretty much at the point where I'm not reading into these messages where it says "when" it will actually be up. Now it's...
Insert cross game chat and I'll forget all the offline activity and hacks that occured...Add in longer warranties oh say 1-2 years for PS3 repairs...
Wait, so this AllClearID Plus is only available for a year then you have to start paying for it?
I'll call it server crash mk.II. Yeah, lots of freezing will most likely occur due to high volume of people going on Home. I think I'll play it...
-First objective: Sync trophies. -Second objective: Update Home. -Third objective: More Black Ops online. =) -Fourth objective: Drink. =p